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Tea > Coffee

Tea is better than coffee. The letter C comes before T, and the alphabet is arranged in order of importance, therefore Tea is better. And if you think C is more important than T, you're wrong. If that was the case, Coffee would be better than Tea, but Coffee is worse than Tea. And if you still think it might be the other way around, you're reading the alphabet backwards. Another reason tea is better is that it takes more tasty cups of it to get the same caffeine buzz.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


Good movie. I saw it yesterday. Lots of actual humour, some edge-of-my-seat moments (but that might have just been waiting for it to end so I could get rid of the liquids from my medium soda), and good characters. Over all, I would recommend it. The best part is, it's a Disney princess movie that isn't all fluff and similar stuff that ruins a good story. =O

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Summer Goals...

Read The Well At The World's End by William Morris Save enough money to replace the DVD Drive on my XBox Be on BZP as much a possible Ride my bike places Buy a new Mars Mission set Go to Youth Group every Wednesday See Speed Racer and Wall-E Buy at least one new Bionicle set Buy Where Do We Go From Here by Pillar Buy other Pillar CDs too And that's my list! How about you?

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


Anyone got any suggestions as to something I can put in both a blog entry and a topic, since my blog entries and posts are now at the exact same place? =/

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Stupid Script Writers... -.-

Recent Movies Which I Have Waited Since Their Announcement To See G.I. Joe Transformers Transformers 2 Speed Racer Recent Movies Which I Have Waited Since Their Announcement To See Which I Have Either Not Been Allowed To See Or Have Not Wanted To See Upon Release Transformers (Was only allowed to see it for the first time this last June) Trandformers 2 (Not allowed to see) G.I. Joe (Read the reviews, WAY too violent. Plus there's the whole "Accelerator Suit" thing...) Speed Racer (Don

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Stuff In Progress... Please Wait...

I;m makin' a Moosicvid! I mean: I'm makin' a Mosicvid! Still doesn't sound right: I'm makin' a Mosaicvid! No, no, NO! I'm making a Masicvid! NO! MUSICVID! MUSICVID! I'M MAKING A MUSICVID!   There, that out of the way, I might attempt to make some more human beonecles. Bionicals. Bioniclas. Bioniculz. What ever. So, why are the guy bionicles (The majority of them), so hard to drawe? Drawuy. Dra. Drwa. Drawk. *Sigh*

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Stuff And Other Fun Words

Stuff is a marvelous word of the English language. It can be rhymed with other awesome words, such as “buff” or “duffle bag”, but only in a round about way, or on Mondays. If I were to say “The stuff is in the buff duffle bag with the tufted turkey” wouldn’t you agree that that would be a highly fungible use of rhyme? I believe it would be. Another awesome word is “Squid”, which can be rhymed with “kid” or “lid”. Imagine this: A kid squid with a lid on the mid-ocean ridge placing a bid of quid o

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Story Challenge

Your Challenge is to write a story that includes the following:   A squid The Barraki Two Toa Mahri An exploding Cordak Launcher Master Chief A time vortex Atlantis A mermaid Half a Banana Dekar or Defilak An air bubble   *Bonus* Hydraxonn Maxilos and Spinax Axonn Brutaka Two Piraka   All within 2,000 words.   Your deadline is this Thursday. Have fun! B)

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Stop This Madness!

What is this world coming to?! It's not even June, and it's been climbing above 80o evry day this week! I demand we get our clouds and rain back, you hear me weather? That's an order! >=(   On another note, I made a blog entry! =O

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Still Alive

Imagine what would happen if all the people in the world were put in one building, all facing out wards, and then all sneezed at the same time. O.0

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Sticking With You

Come on, it's me you're talking to There's something going on inside of you Don't have to say it, but I wish you would Cause it would be much easier   You always hide behind yourself You walk a lonely road with no one's help I hate to break the news You're headed for a fall   And if I have to jump Then I'll jump And I won't look down You can cry, you can fight, we can scream and shout I'll push and pull Until your walls come down And you understand I'm gonna be around I'm sticking

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Stargate Atlantis Fans...

Not sure if I already blogged this, but here's what I have done of my SGA vid. I bet you'll recognize the song, too. =D   Link.   I'm also starting a Bionicle vid to the song "Get Back" by Pillar. =)

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Sprite Kit Progress Update

So far I have finally finished Nuju's mask. I also have the Metru body from the front, the Metru shoulders, and four of the Metru's weapons: Hydro Blades, Aero Slicers, Disk Launcher, and Crystal Spikes.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


Don't forget the Green Cross code, peoples! Stop on the Pavement, Look IN both directions, and Keep looking as you cross the road! Or there's the supposedly easy way which was advertised by Jon Pertwee: SPLINK. I seem to be the only one I know who remembers it after having watched that video... And even then I'm not completely sure I have it right...

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Spinosaurs Are Impossibe To Take Care Of...

I recently started into Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection again, and realized I had forgotten how hard Spinosaurs are to take care of. They crush their trees, they fight with, and kill, eachother, and then they always have either to little or to much of thus and such a terrain. I hate Spinosaurs.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


The following was inspired by an assignment that I got in my World History class. As long as I feel like doing it, and as daily as possible, I will be doing "Journal of a Roman Soldier". I will also be recording it in a content block, linking to each of the entries as I make them.   Date: II/XXIII/MMVIII - Today was very interesting. I awoke to the sound of knocking on my door. It turned out that I have been requested by the Empire to join the army, for they are low on soldiers. I will be paid

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Something Newer!

I have decided to open the Blog County Prison, for the worst of the lot. Someone use bad Grammar in your blog? Instead of correcting their grammar, let me know, and I'll take themto Laughin'Man's Court! Then you can hire me or Norik's Prophecy as Lawyers!

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

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