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I Loled...

They were commenting on a musicvid someone put together using pieces of footage from the Apollo misssions.   Also, another person put together a video of supposed "proof" that the moon landings were a hoax, and they really didn't do their research. Not only did they want to know why there wasn't a "blast crater" under the lander, but they also thought the footage was slowed down, just because it looked like when you hop around on earth when sped up two times... *snort* Faked...

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


This arrived in the mail this morning... D=   (\^/) (X.x) ..llll ..llll ..llll ..llll

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

An Amazing Truth!

If you step on just the right places on the floor of my house with just the right pressure, the walls will make this load pop noise. =D

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

1:14 In The Morning...

Latest I've been up for a couple weeks. =D   Currently Doing: Playing Runescape and surfing BZP Currently Listening too: Staring Back - Where Do We Go From here - Pillar

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Dalek Wall Of Shame

I'm not sure if that is a song, but who cares! =P   WALL OF SHAME Dalek O' Vercooked - For playing Runescape too much and not blogging enough Dalek O' Vercooked - For having a wall of shame Spitty - For Llamas Llamas - For Spitty Bundalings the Bunny - for making a one acronym post Lihyette - For restarting the Duck/Base fad Takua95 - For creating colored duck base avs Quirky - Signature thievery Swert - Prompting Snoopy82 to ask Lhi for the Duck av Gravitic Ghost Rider - For putting

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Name Change! Like That's Really Exciting After This Many Of Them...

Like you haven't seen that happen to me before...   Anyway, yet another Batman Movie came out that I'm not allowed to see. Sorta' like Transformers. In that I can't see it, that is. At least my sister has okayed a bunch of Stargate episodes for me that I couldn't watch.       ...       I'm bored. Entertain me or I shall stop blogging for a long time. Again. =)

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

I Bet You Can't Guess The Subject Of This Entry!

Runescape! Ha! Wait... you guessed it? Crud.   Add me to your friends lsit and gimme you names if you play Runescape! Or else... um... err... bad stuff will happen?   My name = Asparagnu. Now gimme yours.         It's a smiley evolution! >=D : >=) : >=l : =l : =) : =D

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I actually woke up before eight! And I have yet to be on Runescape! In fact, I went straight to looking up things on the Bigfoot find! It's a sign of the impending doom hanging over all of us! O.O

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

My Braces Came Off! =0

Of course, it was intentional, and at the Orthodontist's... But my teeth are now brace free! And it feels reeeally weird. But it all comes out even because my orthodontist's office gives you a bottle of Sparkling Cider. And then my mom took me to the store and I got to pick out two sodas and some things of Ice Cream. And then I found out that I can extend my cider by mixing it with a bunch of Cream Soda. =D

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Perfect Day

You could say that about yesterday if you exclude the parts with my dad. First, for being the only one to show up at both Youth Group and Sunday School this week, I got a forty-five second head-start in yesterday's shaving-cream fight. That was fun, even if I was the main target after that, and got it up my nose, in my mouth, and everywhere else. Then, I was complaining to myself about being cold as I biked home, when I found another highpoint in my day. I found two Ten Dollar bills lieing folde

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Still Alive

Imagine what would happen if all the people in the world were put in one building, all facing out wards, and then all sneezed at the same time. O.0

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

The Reckoning

Again, by Pillar. =D   Anyway, I just thpought I'd say that pink is awesome and that even if I'm called "gay" by the other guys in my class for thinking that, it's not going to stop me. =)   I've had that on my mind for awhile, but I never had the mind to do it. =) II   ---  

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

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