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Something New...

I have decided to open a court in my blog. In it, you can bring bloggish matters to me and the jury. The thing is, you can't bribe the jury, because I will have them kept secret until after the trial.   Browncoat Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Something New.

It's a new use for the phrase, "Me neither!" You see, I recently discovered that if somebody asks me a question I don't want to answer, most of the time, they won't bother asking again if I answer them with "Me Neither!"   So, what do you think? B)

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Something Is Up... I Think...

I think there's a conspiracy! There are people who are trying to under-mine BZP, starting by infiltrating the ranks of the staff members, and working the sight's foundations loose, little by little. You know who you are, conspirists, and I know of your little plan! I have one message for you: It won't work! I'll stop you, no matter what it takes! I'll work on stopping you, I'll work on it until my last breath, or until you are stopped, whichever comes first! You won't bring down this site, as yo

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Someone Needs A New Job...

The following are real fortune cookie fortunes that me and my family got at the restraunt we just returned from. Mine is last:           Thoughts, anyone? I did not make these up, nor did I forget the apostrophe in "it's" in the third one, that was exactly how it was spelled. =/    

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


Somebody, if you do not have a Runescape account, MAKE ONE NAOW. And then kindly add Asparagnu, a.k.a. me, to your friends list A.S.A.P. kthnxbai.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Some Stuffs About Me...

Just 'cause.   1 - Despite living in the beaver state, I have never actually seen a live beaver. I have, however, seen several muskrats. 2 - My favorite color is pink. This is a fact that if I had stated it at my school last year, I would have been called gay by the other guys in my class. 3 - I have had a non-stop cold for two years as of today. 4 - I hate Coca Cola, but love Dr. Pepper. 5 - I can't even stand the smeel of beer or wine, so no one has to worry about me becoming an alcoholic

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Some People Irk Me.

Particularly those who don't listen to red lights.   I just walked to the store and back for a Dr Pepper. If I hadn't of spaced out waiting for the crosswalk to say I could cross, I might not have made it, due to some freak in a Porsche who ran the light. =l   This has been a life newsflash and P.S.A. from your Irascible community Dalek.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

So... I Has A Question For You Peoples...

<daydreamer> was unable to answer this with more than a "meep": How does a cow jump all the way over the moon? Wouldn't she asphyxiate upon exiting the atmosphere, and burn upon reentry? And how did she even reach the moon in the first place? Does she have super powers? And what about landing? Wouldn't she splat upon impact, assuming she survived asphyxiation and reentry?

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

So, You Want To Live My Life...

So, I hear you wnat to live my life. Correct? Well, to do that, there are a couple of basics that are necessary. One, you must know the importanceof Dr. Pepper as a source of caffine. Second, you must know how not to make friends with girls. I've tried, but no matter what, they shun me amd go for the biggest ##### in the school. Third, you must have a basic understanding of how computer programs work. Fourth, you must be bad at math. And I mean bad. Sixth, or is it fifth? You must be able to mem

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I made up a new word! "Sneetility" means "Of, or Pertaining to, a younger Sibling of the opposite gender who is being particularly annoying."

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Smart A.i. Lolwut?

Even for its time, I think they were incorrect on the case when advertising the A.I.s in Ghost Recon: Island Thunder as smart. On elite level difficulty, I ran right through the middle of the fortress in the final mission, and then walked behind the guy I was supposed to capture until he was about to reach his helicopter. This was without a shot being fired at me. No one shot at me until I used a rocket launcher to make the chopper asplode before he could reach it.   It was worth it, though. Wh

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Should I Be Happy About This?

I don't know whether I should be happy about this or not, but it just occured to me that out of all the times I've posted my picture in "Pics of yourself 3 (Now it's official :angry:), nobody has ever commented on it. Should I be glad I don't recieve recognition? I mean, less stalkers because of my good looks is a good thing, right?

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Sequel Entry To *holds Writing Contest*

If you don't feel like writing a story with all those things, do this one. Drawing contest! Draw one Bionicle character as a human, and please host it on B-Shelf, since that way I can see it.   Prizes too be announced...

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Semicolon Quiz

If you have not read the below entry, please do so before taking this quiz.   1. Is the Semicolon important?   2. What can a semicolon be used for when writing?   3. What purpose does a semicolon serve?   4. What are semicolons used for online?   5. What would happen if the Semicolon didn't exist?   Grading system: 100% = 100 Dalek Bucks 80%= 50 Dalek Bucks 60%= 20 Dalek Bucks 40%= 10 Dalek Bucks 20%= 5 Dalek Bucks 10%= 1 Dalek Buck

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

School: It Sucks This Year!

Science - F English - F Algebra 1 - C Bible - A+ (=D) Greek - B History - C   I hate my life right now. But not as much as my Science/English teacher, as she said that since the rest of the class is doing really good, I shoiuld be too, and asked why I'm not as good as them.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Save Me! D=

My sister's, a family friend, and my cousin are in the living room behind me singing an acapella version of "Blue"!   EDIT: Now there doing "The Final Countdown"!

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Saturday Is Going To Be Fun >:)

This Saturday is gonna be fun, fun, fun! > The Youth Pastor at my Church has been invited by another Church to go Four by Fouring in Jeeps on Saturday, and he's been inviting the guys from our Youth Group to join him in his Jeep. This is good, because I'm in the Youth Group, and will be coming along.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

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