Wonder if we could get access to all the blog sidebar stuff we used to have? I put a lot of effort into those back in the day. Not that I have really used this site properly in a long time. There seem to be many blog features that no longer exist, which is a shame. I will probably want to clean this up finally at some point.
Hi everyone. Looks like we are about to close another decade, and wow have things changed, for me, for the world, for this silly site I spent so much time on 10+ years
Is a good game. 100% it just now (other than DLC, also I mean shrines, quests and memories, not gear and seeds), it took me...I got the game in May and have played it on and off since then (apparently around the last Phylog entry, coincidentally). That's the way to do it, just chip away, making the experience last. So yeah that was fun. Uh...I guess a lot of the entries have been about games in the last couple of years, but really a lot in my life has changed in that time. And for the better
Humble Monthly had Undertale in it and I have it already so I should give it to someone but I don't know how. Whether I should have a contest or something I dunno. Anyway. I'm determined to give it away sorry. Life's been pretty good to me lately, things are coming in to place. All I really want to say on that.
Finally got a 3DS for myself, after learning that they now have SNES virtual console games. Silly reason, sure, but anyway. Anyway, pretty sweet so far! Now I can experience some games finally. Majora is gorgeous. Anyway, if you want to friend me or whatever shoot me a message. Also, if anyone wants to recommend any games on 3DS/Virtual Console, or Steam games like before, go ahead here. Particularly because I used to have a post for this but it got lost in some forum thing a long time ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQO1RHETKy4 At this point in time, until proven otherwise, I like to think I played a part in the making of this brilliant tooncast.
PM me for my steam ID. Do with that what you will. I guess suggestions would be nice? You get a not that helpful idea of what I'm after by looking at my current games and wishlist. Still thinking of getting either a 3DS/Wii U in the future, but for now, this should do. Also hi.
The online bonkle videos are getting better and better. That last one, hoo boy, is hilarious. I think it's also been better that it's only been the one cast member, because come on, this guy has been excellent at giving all the personalities to each character.
Another Pi day rolls around which it means it's now been 10 years since I joined BZPower (the first time). I don't have any comic to show this year because some plans for it fell through. Needless to say it was going to be epic. Maybe next year. Anyway, thanks for being a cool space to hang all these years, and continue to enjoy the new line. I'm missing out, I'm sure.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAUeOC7fU6o Been [not really] working on something for a while, and need some info on the origins of these. Particularly members here for longer than 10 years or from the Fan-Made Games forums, but if anyone knows that would be swell. Most likely from VG pre-2004.