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Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Weekend Ride!

So, mom is thinking about buying a new car. First candidate?    Going for a test-drive this weekend :3

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Gamedesign: Programming Logic

Basic Module Programming.   Getting to know all the if-clauses of binary, with yes (true) and no(false) conditions. Pretty interesting.   So kids, basic math is indeed coming back to haunt you, only now it's wearing disguises.   And who'd ever think I'd like it?

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Gamedesign: My Classmates

My classmates are awesome. Plain and simple. How much, you can not even fathom, but for good measure here's todays example:  Our classroom lies on the sunny side of the building. Fine on an average day. but spring is here and he decided to bring sun along too, shining in through a window. Now we have to stay true to our geek-roots and stay in the dark almost all day, right? Right. The blinds have a sensor that determines when they get closed and opened.   Performing the latter action today

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Keep On Running

Just a little tip: If you start running again after half a year of inactivity, don't run the length of the entire town you live in... *ouch*

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend


And once again most of my earbuds except for the water-resistant pair are having issues.   Which sucks if you happen to be a little audiophile like me.   But I am happy one of my best friends recommended a certain pair from ultimate ears to me a few years back. The cables are replaceable and I am not forced to throw away the buds themselves, worth over 150 bucks...that would suck. Big time.   Now to wait for the order to get here...

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Rpg Frustration

You know what I actually despise?   That lack of reason, or rather that assumption of omnipotence sometimes displayed in RPGs. What do you pro's call it? Metagaming?   Why should I bother with a long setup and chain of posts to get a character to a certain secret location, just by his own means if it apparetnly is just as legit to conjure up some random NPC who will willingly give all the information on that secret location one needs.   I am not angry at anybody specific, I am just angry that

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Art...and Snow!

What? Art by VF? Here!? Yes indeed, I got off my quad and finished a piece today ^^ Head over to Artwork I if you want to check it out. Also, who ordered the cold and snow to make a second pass? It's not enough to look pretty, it's just cold, grey and the streets are freezing! Go away cold, I am already feeling sick, don't need you now. K, thx, bay!

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Deus Ex 3

A distopian future with augmented humans and a hunk of a protagonist? Oh yeah, just ask BD if that ain't awesome.     But aparrently that hunk goes by the stagename of Voltaire in RL and sings dark cabaret songs about the lack of lavatories on the Enterprise.    

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Headaches Inbound

I am a little uncomfortable thinking about the prospect of spending the majority of my day staring at a computer-screen.   As in, literally spending 18 hours a day in front of a screen.   Yikes...

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

No, 3po...i Am Your Creator!

Vader: "See-threepio, Artoo never told you what happened to your creator." C-3PO: "He informed me sufficiently. He told me you killed him." Vader: "No... I am your creator!" C-3PO: "No... no... That's not true. That's impossible! The odds against you being my creator are..." Vader: "Search your feelings, You know it to be true." C-3PO: "Noooo!! You see, sir, shortly after the Jedi were wiped out, my memory was erased. So that could explain why I'm having difficulty verifying your state

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

May Procrastionation Be With You

You need to write a scientific paper.  You need the intro done for tomorrow. This needs to be done. You planned to do this first thing after breakfast...   You wind up revamping your old AT-TE customization.   May the force be with you.

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Gamedesign: The Nerdiest Homework

You'd think videogames and homework are two things mutually exclusive. Well, unlike the devision by 0 this is actually something possible.  Our task over the next two weeks will be to write a scientific (!) paper on a topic of our choosing relating to video-games.   We already figured out the questions/topics. The current milestone will be the introduction.     PS: Also, we are going to get our PC's the middle of this week It is time to bring Crysis to school it seems.   PPS: You won't bel

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Gamedesign: Modeling (final)

Maybe some of you will remember this entry from a few weeks back?  Yesterday was the final day of working on the characters we designed for the module. There will be a presentation on Monday and I need to hand in my character-sheet then as well, but the important part is that it is finished:     Some people from the courses above us said that my charie probably was the most detailed figure as it is relatively small compared to others.   To top things of we decided to take some quality photo

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Retrospective Outlook (aka, 2010 Recap)

I guess I am jumping aboard the bandwagon here and will sum up the last year for a bit as well, and also what it means for this year.  Simply put, last year has been great. It has been a year of fun and a year of healing for me. A few that I let in more closely knew that the previous 2 years have been rough. I finished college and went through a pretty emotional mayhem at the same time, with anger, desperation, love and all that jazz coming and going as they pleased. That lasted through civil

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Merry Christmas

Have a good one everybody ^^  The most wonderful thing happened here too: It's actually snowing on Christmas Eve, which hasn't happened for years! *Is off to wrap presents*

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Xmas Achievement

I managed to avoid almost all christmas songs until today   Now I can listen of my own free will...and there are some good Christmas songs ^^   Now I'll be off to bed, decorating the tree when I wake up again, wrapping the presents hidden in my room and then we'll be off to Granma to celebrate.  

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Forgotten Sands

I am not a fan of games that get released together with movies to boost sales figures, as a rule of thumb. Production is often rushed to meet the deadline and as such those games are generally infested with bugs.   What a pleasant surprise the latest Prince of Persia was. The game was released a bit earlier then the movie and the titular prince is not Jake Gyllenhaal, but the nameless Prince from the Sands of time trilogy. Action takes place somewhere between Sands and Warrior within as far

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

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