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The Fellowship...

On December 12th, Shire-year 2010 in the 3rd age of middle-earth, 9 companions will set out to view all three LotR-movies in one night.  And we'll have snacks and lots of caffeine for the night until we get out of the cinema around 4-ish.   Good times are ahead ^^

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Gamedesign: Modeling

Our current project until January is plastilin modelling a creature. We're only into the second week of it and the things each of us is working on are coming along nicely. Of course the tables are only filled with conversations about wonky proportions, internet meme's and geeky game-talk   And here's my pet for the project. Ain't he cute!? ^^   Oh and it is snowing again! <3   Drive safely everyone!

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Tasks In Class, Aka Doodlidoo!

"I want you to take a piece of paper and start scribbling away. Don't think, just draw and as soon as you think there is something in your linework that you can use start randomly developing from there."  Our last task for the day, to be continued tomorrow ^^   Oh and our teacher has worked on movies like 10.000B.C. and the perfume, the man has serious skills!   Which he will teach us which in turn will lead up to eventually designing a head and modeling out of plastilin. SO HYPED!

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend


Procrastination sucks. Especially if the procrastination consists of serious mocing which left me faced with having to write the last 4000 words of my story in less then three hours. November is one of those months that need a 31st. But it is done. Thanks to fast-paced soundtrack and a sudden increase in the ability to write coherent sentences while typing fast.   I shall celebrate by bombing bad guys from high altitudes with highly explosive bombs dropped from hyper modern jets, aka HAWX2.

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Deatheaters Stopped The Movie!

There you are, totally immersed in the movie happening in front of your eyes and then this happens:  *Light goes on, a guy is standing next to the controls*   "Excuse me, everbody!"   *Stops movie*   "But we've got a problem and we have to clear out the whole building."   But everybody got a free ticket to come back another day...  

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Fiery Pets

Anybody else thinking it would be awesome to read a newspaper ad going something like: "Norwegian Ridgeback looking for a home"? I'd so go for that ^^  

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend


Do you sometimes come online and realize you've been in robot mode for two weeks and neither checked friend's profiles, RPG topics or the front-page?  I feel like a stranger on the website that I've been with the longest... -.-

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

I'ma Chargin' Ma Animationz!

Animation for our first real gamedesign project ^^ If this works out the way I want it to this will be a fully rendered character by the weekend.   Oh and also, this is my very very first gif. animation.   :3

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Epic Of Epic Epicness

No, not the Pilgrim movie, that's a close second, I'm talking bout the project us gamedesigners at my college are currently working on   Stay tuned for more info ^^ I'll try to post a collage of all the chara-designs by the start of next week!

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Pointless In Persia

I felt the big big need to put Nano on hold for a day and play through the 2008 Prince of Persia game again, which I only noticed yesterday, I never tried out on my newer PC, where it runs pretty smooth these days.  So, I just finished it an hour ago and again this feeling of a wasted opportunity has struck me.   What I did remember from the first play-through was the time it took to finish. It is a really beautiful world Ubisoft created here, very innovative too and the basic plot was esta

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

And So It Begins...

As you may or may not know I also will do the Nano this year again. After last years admittedly halfway quit on attempt, this year I have a plot, I have charachters and I think I can pull through with this one.  And I will start writing, right now. Don't expect me to be online much. Maybe a bit BZPRPGing inbetween (yay, more writing?).   See y'all!

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Long Weekend

Just before I was getting ready today to leave the house I suddenly found an e-mail in my inbox, telling me that today's class is not happening since our prof is sick.  I was looking forward to Drama/Conception...oh well,tomorrow then^^   So, I have another full day, to procrastinate, play DAO and get ready for Nanowrimo.   Oh yes, and I also have all the time for a good breakfast now...maybe a second even?

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Tetris' Creed?

That pretty much sums up my homework for today.   Sum up the rules behind an old-school game like Tetris or Pac Man within a short paragraph, so that any programmer given these 5 lines of text would come up with the same result.

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

We Are Assassins

The first week of the Gamedesign Course is over, the Meet'n'Greet has passed, I still don't know all the names, but we're in-deep into our first project already, after two lectures on Copyright and the History of Videogames, respectively.  Pong was not the first Video-Game btw. I still wish I had a Pong Console-Table here though. Oh well, the Crysis Nano-Edition and AC:B Codey Edition will have do instead   Which leads back to the aforementioned Project: Writing a post-mortem document and pre

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Gamedesign Class Of '10

Archer Scott Pilgrim Enthing Battlemage Dito Heavy Gunner The Escapist Da Vinci Wizard Perfectionist 1 and 2 Aesthetic Still Water Joker Corporal Supporter Crazy Thinker The Swiss Axl F. Damage Dealer V12 War Maks Honey   Yup, that's us ^^ We got to introduce ourselves in front of the class with Nicknames. Our Professors are "Tank" and "Blacksmith" respectively. And no, this is not a joke! This was an awesome first day. I look forward to getting really started next week!

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Chim-chim Cheree

Mary Poppins (Julie Andrews) is 75 today? Whoa ^^  Speaking of years, I think I'll get my hands on the remastered John Lennon CDs.   And even more talk about remastered stuff: Starwars I-VI in 3D?

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Pancakes <3

Bought a new sorting box for all my Lego pieces, took care of some errands, cleaned my room up further and went to Granma's to make Pancakes with her. Yummy!   I'd say this qualifies as a good day, though not a 100% sure.

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend


I'm going today...just waiting for my buddies to call.  But otherwise, gonna be fun!

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

Coffee Or Tea Anyone?

It's sunny, I just worked on some chores while freshly brewing coffee.  You're welcome to have a cup and some marble-cake, or some tea, if that is more to your liking, hang out here and take a break ^^   I'll work on some art in the meantime.   Have a good day everyone!

Vezok's Friend

Vezok's Friend

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