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What's Up, Ya'll?

Wheeee, yay for week-long blogging privileges!   ...   Yeah, I really should just get a premier account. Someday, someday...   Anyway, nothing much going on except for little random things that don't make much of a story or anything to write home about. I start my freshmen year of college this Monday, but financial aid hasn't come in yet, and if it doesn't soon I may not have classes to go to once Monday comes around...Joy. But it should, and if it doesn't I should be able to get an extensio




...As of yesterday!   Yeah, I WAS going to post an entry about "completing" my entry for AC#17 last night, but it took me about an hour for BZP to load in between posting the topic and adding my entry to the actual contest. It was late, I was tired of fighting the site, so I decided to leave things be until the morning...Which turned into after school...Which turned into after working with my horse...Which turned into after ice cream and a movie...Yep, and I use to wonder why I don't have more



'twas A Stormy And Dark Knight...

Yeah, Lame pun/title...I did it for the Lawls...   Anyway, as I believe I mentioned before, a friend and I had to cancel our midnight showing extravaganza to The Dark Knight due to us both being out of town. Well, we finally got to see it today and...Wow...Just wow...It's a lot more violent then I was expecting (Or felt comfortable with) but man, did they nail Joker's character or what? And the story! Absolutely amazing! Not only was it intense and VERY well thought out, I honestly couldn't pre



Aced My First Test...

...But it didn't count for a grade, because it was to get me out of a VERY basic music class and into the higher level one.   Pretty funny actually...Most of us who were in the theory class didn't belong in there, but we were there because it was a "prerequisit" class. After getting through introductions (In which the VAST majority of the class informed the professor that they have had anywhere from 5 to 12 years of musical study, and many of them played more than on instrument) Our professor



It's Been Fun...

Well, this is most likely the last entry I'll be doing on here. Nothing really special happened today so I guess I'll just talk about what I'll do with this 'ere blog if I ever get a Premier account.   1. Make entries a lot shorter. Try as I might, I just wanted to talk too much, which probably scared all of you guys away. (Hey, it's scared me looking back on the entries and seeing how huge they were!) 2. Decorate. I thought about doing all sorts of cool backgrounds and buttons, but then real



Nosies And Roomsies And Checksies, Oh My!

Well, for those who may not have read in my profile, my job ended on the 3rd since the girls started school. So now my days are completely mine for the first time since the 28th of May. I feel like I'm just now starting my summer vacation...To bad there's only two weeks left before school starts. Technically, I was suppose to start last Monday, but mom noticed (As all mothers have a tendency to) that while the job helped me out financially, it left very little time to get things done such as ge



...what's The Point Of A Building If There Is Nothing In It?...

Well, I have managed to do a fair bit today in comparison to yesterday. Anything from reading a dozen chapters, to cleaning my room, to making library runs with mom. However, since there isn't much to say about reading for a couple hours (Other then what I have now just said...) and since holding discussions about cleaning one's Pit O' Despair isn't all that interesting either, I'll skip those as if they didn't happen and just go to the third. (Plus a little something else)   Anyway, summer is



Well Looky Here, My First Entry!

Well, as most/all of you know most likely, everyone temporarily has Premier Member capabilities. So of course, I couldn't help but jump in and test out various things. So anyway, enough pointless rambling and onto more important things like...Umm, pointless rambling about life...Wow, what an example of priorities there.   Anyways, I've been awfully busy this summer, which is a good thing as it is infinitely better then being bored all summer long. After about 2 seconds of brief self-debating,



Watch Out, Here I Come...

I'm back again for another week of BZBlogging fun! Just yesterday I got back from my last camp, so what better way to use the rest of my summer break then sitting in front of the computer a little bit more then I already do? [/mild sarcasm] Anyway, I must say that I'm going crazy over here. Ever since I heard about the Dark Knight, (which was in March, I believe...)I've been freaking out and plotting with a very close friend of mine about how we were going to go see it at the Midnight showing.




So last night I was drawing (read last entry) and was noticing more and more acutely the lack of flesh-like colored pencils I had and was becoming slightly more irritated with each color I had to substitute for the missing skin tones. As it was late I figured that I would talk to mom about it in the morning, knowing that the library we would be visiting was within stones throw of the best art store this side of town. (Of course, that last little bit is just my opinion...I love that place. ^.^)



It's A Miracle! [well...almost, At Least.]

So, when the Art Contest thread came out, I was out of town, and then the forums went down, so I was totally unaware that a contest (despite the fact that I was anticipating and looking for the not-yet posted thread before I left) was in existence until the forums were back online. Upon reading the topic, I wasn't too thrilled with the theme, since I don't practice buildings/backgrounds as much as I should, but I told myself I was, no-excuses, entering the next art contest. So I decided to give



...heh-heh, Awkward...

Well, I must say that today has been a very fun and surprising birthday. I think it was even better then last year's. I've noticed that I like writing a lot, more then I probably should for a blog so I'll try to keep this short. (No promises of course)   Dad took me out to breakfast this morning for some father-daughter time. We talked a lot about various things, mostly about the possible out-of-state move that he's been thinking about. After breakfast we went to a pawn shop where I got a rea



Good-bye Job...*sniff-sniff*

Ah, summer is coming yet again to its closure. For me, that means that my job as a nanny is nearly done. And unlike last summer, I'm not so sure I'll be asked to nanny for the girls again. Not because I did anything wrong, mind you! It's because these girls are older (The oldest being 13 in December) and I'm not sure that I'm going to be needed for much longer. This summer my hours were cut nearly in half, so I have my doubts of how much of a need there's going to be in 2009. Now, while having



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