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In Honor Of The Soldier

Minifig is based more on the MGS2 Solid Snake.   Torso and gun were custom designed by BrickArms. Head, hair, and legs were my additions. Never occured to the dude that the torso was Snake material.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

A Rant On People Who Use Elevators

One thing that bugs me, and I see it everyday at school.   Why do regular people feel the need to use an elevator to go up (or down) one level? I see this at school everyday when I am on break. Just regular students without disabilities just using it to go up (or down) that one level, when the stairs just happen to be right next to it. I see this as extreme laziness and it needs to stop.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Methods To Silence Others

One thing that can irk a person is when they are silenced and thwarted easily.   Due to current situations, I advise that all members (yes you guys) to silence the threats of BZP.   How can you do that?   - Set your Blog to Comment Approval. You will see the threat before it is made public and you can easily delete it.   - Set your Profile to Comment Approval. You will see the threat before it is made public and you can easily delete it.   Yes I know it may be a hassle, but it is more of a

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

You Don't Know Me

Let me break it down for those who don't have a clue (and they know who they are).   I know a lot of members hate me. It is true. In actuality, I am one of the top hated staff, and members leave because of me.   Why? Probably because I do my job here and they don't like that. They don't like me enforcing the rules that I feel shouldn't be bent or broken.   Or maybe they assume I use this position to make myself bigger over others. I don't. I don't need a position or rank to make myself better

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

It Comes To This

I didn't want to do this, but the way things are going, I have no choice.   From now on my blog comments will have to be approved. Do not worry, this does not mean I am silencing your words. This is just a mere safety precaution. It will be temporary.   And if you guys care for safety of BZP, I suggest following in suit.   EDIT: I have decided to just do this during the evening time.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Substitution For Personal Messenging

As many of you are aware, the PM system is disabled for everyone due to current situations.   I know how frustrating it can be for all of you, not being able to communicate with one another. Which is why you need to start finding other ways to contact members.   - The comment box in profiles is a great way to contact a member. Although images are disabled and there is a limit to characters, you can still do things that you would for a PM.   - If you have something personal that shouldn't be i

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Fighter And Lego Thief

The Fighter, also known as the Knight or the Warrior, is a Job that appears in various games in the series. Fighters are characterized by equipping swords, shields, and armor, and having high physical stats. The Fighter is usually one of the first obtainable jobs in each game, and main characters often can be attributed to this class. Fighters' abilities include the ability to Cover for an ally, and take physical damage for them. They can also null out physical attacks and have the ability to eq

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Project Final Fantasy

So I been gathering materials and pieces for a project. That deals with Final Fantasy.   And the best part: it will be in Lego System.   The purpose of this project is to moc characters, vehicles, monsters, or anything that is from the Final Fantasy series.   This will include many things such as chocobos and airships.   So far I have planned/in process/finished:   Warriors of Light - Final Fantasy (in process): Will consist of Black Mage, Fighter, White Mage, and Red Mage minifigs based on

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Celebrating 10 Years Of A Fantasy

And by Fantasy, I mean Final Fantasy VII.   To commemorate the 10 years of Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix and Sunstory combined their heads once again to create a collectible for the hardcore fans of FF (more specifically FF7).   And that collectible is a potion. This product originally started when FFXII came around, and Sunstory made potions, with six different lids, to promote the game. Now with the 10th Anniversery for FFVII, they did it again. At the party celebrating this, they had cans

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Classes For Spring 08 Semester

Signed up for my courses for the upcoming spring semester. Incorporating some psych classes.   Astronomy (split into the lecture and also a lab) Child Psychology Human Sexuality (a psych class) Economics II   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

So I Have Health Insurance

Funny thing about it, I didn't even sign up for it or anything.   I get this letter today telling me my school administered a health plan for me. I ddin't even go to my school about my health insurance yet.   So I was puzzled. A lot.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

What I Want To Be

I think I figured out exactly what I want to pursue, and it has nothing to do with my original intents.   Before I wanted to pursue a career in radio and be a radio producer.   However things have changed and now I want to pursue a career in psychology and be a psychologist. I like to help people and their problems and I also excel in the courses.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Congrats To The Sox

I am not a huge fan of the Red Sox, nor of baseball for that matter, but I just wanted to say congrats to them for winning the World Series of this year. They really needed another one under their belt.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

2 Weeks In Rewind

Lets back track a bit since I haven't updated my events mostly.   2 weekends ago I, of course, stayed over at Meaghan's place. The Firday night we volunteered at Barret's Haunted Mansion in Abbington, MA (she was a cowgirl for the Haunted Saloon section and I was a spectre for the Shocking Room). Got a lot of scares, I mostly didn't have to a thing considering most people just ran through screaming their lungs off.   Saturday we went to Boston. Though she didn't realize it, it was our 2 month

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Good Deeds

Friday I loaned my friend $2400 to help him situate a problem. Twas my good deed of the day.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Bleeding From The Face

More specifically, the nose.   Ever since the beginning of the month, I been experiancing a lot of nosebleeds, which is odd since I usually have like 3 a year.   So there will be times I will have 7 a week. Sometimes 4 a day.   So yes lots of blood.   And the air isn't even that dry for me to have one.   So I am kinda worried so I will schedule an appointment with a doctor to get my head checked out for anything out of the ordinary.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Bad News

It is a law that all residents of Massachusetts must have health insurance.   I no longer have health insurance.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

When Reporting Emergencies

Usually there comes a time when a member starts up some serious flaming or another member starts posting innappropriate content.   If you are the right kind of member, you would report this to a staff member, whether through the Report button or by PM (if available).   Now here is what I don't get. When I get these reports, I am not online (even though I do come on anonymous, but thats out of the question). When reporting emergencies like what I said, make sure to report to a staffer who is ac

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

A Secret To Becoming Staff

Everything Rich has said here is true. However I am gonna give ya a little tip for those who wish to become staff in the future.   Selflessness.   When you want to be staff, should never be about you. Should be about BZP and its members.   Back in 2004 before I was promoted to the Support Team, I wanted to be a staff member. I did not want it for the position. I wanted it to further my goal to help members, which in turn came to be a success.   Over the time I was a little troublesome and al

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Update On Several Things

Herrrrrro there.   So what has Omi been up to?   Well for starters I picked up Meaghan on Thursday evening and she stayed over my house for the night. It was pouring rain and it was a terrible drive there and back. Ugh.   Friday was great. I skipped school and drove all the way to Syracuse, New York with Meaghan to visit some friends of ours, Samantha and Kevin. First thing we did was play video games, considering their living room is a gamer's dream.   It is setup for both of them: 2 wides

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Pics Of Cosplay (in Syracuse)

Ondore approves this blog.   Anyways as I noted in my entry about last weekend, Sam, Meaghan, and I dressed up in our FF cosplay.   Remember folks, X-2 is not XII. "We killed a Mandragora! Do I gets LP now?" We Heart Moogles Yeaaaah..... Crossing weapons is cool I am in your tree, shooting you down Sky Pirate and Princess Balthier/Ashe Fan Service Balthier/Ashe Fan Service #2     -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

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