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Opinion Of 08 Sets

I have no opinion yet so far.   As the saying goes, cannot judge a book by its cover. The only thing we have are box images, which would be the cover of the set. I shall wait until I see the set itself. You guys are crazy for forming an opinion on something you haven't truly witnessed.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

A Note On The Current Situation

As you may have seen, some BZP members have been hacked within the week. Do not be alarmed. These hackers are just trying to bother the site.   The staff would appreciate it that when a member is hacked, report it immediately to a staff member (preferably a Moderator and up and is active at the moment). Please try not to get involved, such as messaging the member, posting in any topic they make after being hacked, and also commenting in their profile. These hackers want the attention.   So ple

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Rude People

So I am driving to school today. Just a regular drive.   Hunting for a parking spot at school. Sometimes a regular thing.   Find my spot. Listen to the last bit of news on the radio. Regular thing.   Guy next to me, opens his door and hits my car. He didn't open it slowly and try not to hit it and accidentally hit it. He literally opened it quickly a minute after I pulled in and hit my car and just mumbled.   I was awestruck by the fact he did this in my presence. I wouldn't be as offended i

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Black Mage

Black Mage is a special Job class in the Final Fantasy series, and is featured in several installments. Black Mages have been known to equip magical rods in the earlier installments and staves in the later ones. They can also equip some light daggers. Their armor usually consists of several lightweight vests and mage robes. They are known for incredibly high magic stats and MP, but low physical stats and HP.   The Black Mage has become one of the most recognized symbols of the Final Fantasy ser

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

King Richard's Faire Pics

Meaghan and I took these pics with her camera.   Gypsy in stocks Look at me! The cheating Spaniard The German dude Magpi and her valiant knight Gypsies put on a show for us The four knights The Lord of Granby   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


So I picked up Phantom Hourglass today (along with that uber nice guidebook with the golden edges on the pages).   I really don't use the stylus on my DS games, so this game really was a change for me that I have to get used to.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Details Of Amazing Weekend

So I went to Meaghan's house for Columbus Day weekend, since I had today off.   We had something special planned for the Saturday. I took Meaghan to King Richard's Faire because she really wanted to go. We wore these outfits. I didn't take my sword though because I planned on buying a real one there.   Which I did. When we arrived, we walked the assorted shops and found the weapon smith. I bought myself a saber, which was nicely oiled and shiny. However I could not unsheath it while I was ther

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Ask Omi

Yes I am doing this again.   As me questions about me or other things. I will answer.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

New Airship Project

Well since I am finishing up the Blackjack from FFVI, now is the time to start working on a new airship from FF for my Lego FF Project.   So while thinking of what to build next, I decided to go with the Red Rose from FFIX.   The Red Rose is Queen Brahne's personal airship and is named after her favorite flower. It makes two separate appearences in the game, one being where Queen Brahne summoned Odin to destroy Cleyra, the other being when it clears a path, along with the Lindblum air fleet,

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Makes Final Fantasy?

That is your generic concept of Final Fantasy.   Warriors dressed in renaissance and medieval fashion. Euro architecture. And airships.   Truly magnificent.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Good Ole College Daze... Errrr Days

Procrastination at its best is what I am.   I am doped up on Red Bull (so far 3 cans worth in an hour, because I live dangerous like that) and Coke (soda). Excuse the term "doped up". I use it to describe "major amounts of something at once". Anyways yeah. And yes I know that is extremely unhealthy. I'll live. I'm surprised I haven't fallen into a diabetic, kidney stone induced coma from all the soda I drink.   I have a paper due in several hours from now. On a poet. A boring one.   Of course

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

The Pike, Pirates, And The Ahnnnnnuld Arboretum

So I am staying at Meaghan's, as usual. Leaving tomorrow. Had a good weekend.   Started out with the "joyous" adventure ride on the Mass Pike (the long highway that stretches across Boston). Wasn't bad, so no biggie, but then it got reallly bad up to my exit (exit 14 into Newton and Wellesley). There was a Red Sox and Yankees game that evening. So I was seriously in bumper to bumper traffic, and was annoying. So I hate the Red Sox. I hate the Yankees. I hate baseball. I hate the Pike.   When I

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Pimp My Blog - Tips For Making Your Blog Standout

I look at blogs on BZP. Some amaze me. Some bore me. Some just shouldn't exist.   However this isn't the case. First impressions are important on most cases, and a good looking blog will always attract readers   So from my experiance with blogs (on BZP and off BZP), I shall give you a guide to make your blog so pimped out, that you just might get some of those approval seals people throw around.   TITLE   The first thing people see on the community blog list is your title. Catchy titles are

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

New Games! :)

So I was at the mal yesterday, and told myself I needed some new games.   Was looking for RPGs that are similar to Final Fantasy, but was not FF.   So I purchased Luminence Arc and Growlanser: Heritage of War (both made by Atlus).   However I did get myself an\ FF game I been wanting to get: Chocobo Tales.   I played all 3 to see what they were like, but played Chocobo Tales the most.   So far I enjoy the freakin game. So many references to FF classics and characters and the music brings me

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

My Life As Of Right Now

That was from the gathering last weekend. Yes I let her lose.   Anyways some updates on my life.   I still hate idiotic drivers.   I have new car insurance that I am paying. Approx. $1600 a year with minimum coverage (considering I am not a reckless driver, and I am responsible enough to pay my part in damages that occur).   I am considering joining the HCC radio station here, so DJ Volar shall once again return to the air waves.   I am still with Meaghan. Tomorrow will mark our "2 month an

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Crisis Core

Found some amazing pics from the end of FFVII: Crisis Core.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « For those who have played FFVII, you will recognize this scene. It was a flashback which showed the fate of Zack.   I love the detail of these graphics (these are PSP graphics), and from what I am hearing, Crisis Core is a great game.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Everyone Say Welcome To Magpi!

Yes. My girlfriend Meaghan has joined BZP (which was sparked by interest with my blog). She is known here as Magpi.   So lets all give her a nice warm welcome here at BZP.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


For the time being, I do not have internet at home. This shall limit my online time, so I can only come on BZP at school and Meaghan's house. I will no longer be on AIM to chat. If you have any questions concerning the BZP news or Q&A, please PM my other colleagues.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Horrible Day

First things first, slow drivers have no right to honk at me when I have the -right- to pass them.   Anyways I am having a bad day because just out of the blue, I have been told that I no longer have car insurance. I was on my dad's insurance, and I was never notified of this until like later today, when apparently this happened not to long ago.   So I go over to get my car insured. Place is closed. Since I can't get it insured, can't go to the RMV either. Insurance isn't open on weekends. So

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

The Dark Knight

Holy rusted metal Batman!   Click image.     From hearing the clips, I am totally ecstatic about the movie, cuz Heath Ledger sounds really impressive as The Joker.   -Omi    

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

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