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This Weekend

This weekend I am driving up to Boston to see Meaghan and spend the weekend with her. Might surprise her with white daisies, cuz she loves those a lot.   And yeah. We really have our dumb cute "awww" moments.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Otakon Coverage (from My Eyes)

Otakon was long, fun, and also tiring.   Thursday I woke up early and drive to Boston to meet up with Astro (Lara), and later headed to Logan Airport. As you can see we are totally psyched for Otakon. When we arrived, we quickly checked into the Holiday Inn (located in the inner harbor). Met up with Greg (who was actually waiting for us in the lobby), and we dropped off our bags and went to the Baltimore Convention Center to wait in the Pre-Reg line. Meaghan and Peter found us and decided to ta

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Connecticon Coverage (from My Eyes)

So Saturday I went down to Hartford for ConnectiCon 2007. Arrived early in the morning to beat rush hour AND to claim a parking spot at the convention center.   I wore my custom pirate cosplay, and despite it being layers of black, I was not sweating in it (especially when we went outside for a good period of time to take pics).   501st were there (for those who are newbs to 501st, I suggest googling them pronto). I managed to get a couple photos (I will upload more later). I had a chat with a

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

So I Finally Saw Transformers

And the best part, I didn't even pay to see it.   So to all those who paid to see it:   HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA   And I could it for free again. And again. And again.   And that goes for any movie that really comes out.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Balthier Hits Up Bride

For the record, I am a huge Balthier/Ashe fan.   Which was why I did this pose for those nearby taking pics.   Me as Balthier and a lovely lady as Wedding Ashe from Final Fantasy XII.   As I stood up, my friend Sam was like (with a laugh), "It's her wedding day! Balthier is such an animal."   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

My Little Romantic Escapade

Well cuz Meaghan and I wanted to spend some quality alone time together, we went down to the harbor area at night (sometime around midnight), and we just sat and cuddled and gazed into the water and at the city lights.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Airtran Sucks

I am at the airport with Astro (Lara. She forced me to refer to her as Astro from now on, or else).   And we are waiting for the boarding on Airtran, is like the cheap version of United Airways, which is the cheap version of American Airlines.   She is playing FFVI.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


Tsukiko Amano - Koe If you were living In the depths of the ocean I would become a fish Just to be with you. I would descend the deepest of pits Wander the darkness forever as a shadow Just to be with you. Our memories still drift vividly I had been drowning in my own sorrow You're gone I know, I know. The sun rises, rises, purifies my world A tepid wind carries off the tattoo carved into my mind. If it would bring these Words to you Then I would gladly Sacrifice my ow

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

So I Officially Have A Girlfriend

..... again. I'm starting to lose count this time.   As of tonight I have a relationship with Meaghan. She is bright and chipper, which counters my cold, apathetic mean self.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Omi Meets His Match?

So as mentioned in my previous entry, I had some time with a girl named Meaghan.   She is lara's friend, and I met her for the first time. She cosplayed as Rikku from FFX-2, which is my least fave character from my least fave game (well actually I completely hate the game, but meh). So of course I break out some jokes about Rikku, cuz I am mean and cruel like that.   Of course she got on my case a bit, whether it was intentional or just joking, it was all for fun. She kept stealin my stuff, s

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Omi In Paint

An old art piece of me done by my lovely friend Victoria. Never did show it on BZP, and when I was digging through my maj for a pic, I saw it. So figured to show it.   It is a representation of my nightly escapades in Hong Kong.   Based on this photo of me, which is also in Hong Kong in front of the nightclub Volar (which I made frequent visits to).   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Pirate Cosplay - Complete

So my pirate outfit is complete. I tried on the whole thing last night, and when I was looking in the mirror, I was like "i am such a sexy beast".   No pics for now, cuz I decided to debut it tomorrow at ConnectiCon.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


So tomorrow is ConnectiCon. I had no intention of going whatsoever (hence the reason why I didn't make mention of it). But Lara (the girl in my profile pic) pretty much wanted me to at least swing by. So I plan on doing that Saturday. I might as well dress up since it is an anime convention. And right now all I have is Balthier.   Interesting way she coaxed me. She said she would wear her Princess Sara (from Final Fantasy III) dress, which I was not able to see in person at AnimeBoston. And be

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

I Am Leaving Bzpower

Well not really. My internet is out and I have no idea when it will be back and functional.   Right now I am using the wifi at Barnes & Noble.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

The Beetlejuice - The Ultimate Gun Of Doom

I present you the Beetlejuice, which is made in opposition of the Betelgeuse (another gun). Though they share similar fancy designs and stuff, they are not the same gun and can be awesomely mistaken.   Unlike the Betelgeuse, the Beetlejuice can break the 9999 damage and when equipped, beautiful women will flock to your very presence.   And I know the gun isn't impressive. I made it to be a joke.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Final Fantasy Character Of The Week #10

Been awhile as usual. Decided to go with a new character from the remade classic Final Fantasy III.   Name: Ingus Game: Final Fantasy III DS Class: Any (although recognized as a Red Mage) Birthplace: ? Hometown: Sasune   Ingus was originally an orphan from the overworld before it was engulfed by darkness. He was taken to the Floating Continent by Cid Haze. He eventually becomes a soldier for the King of Sasune. In the beginning of the game, he ventures out for training and returns to fin

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

My Gun

So got the wooden gun prop. Today I have been spraypainting it and stuff.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Blackjack Wip Pic

Things to keep in mind:   - I know about the gaps - This isn't finished - I still have a boatload to do.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Final Fantasy Versus Xiii

The Final Fantasy XIII Compilation (Fabula Nova Crystallis), comprises of 3 different games. The main title Final fantasy XIII (PS3) and two other games Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3) and Final Fantasy Agito XIII (Mobile Phone). Each of these games has a seperate storyline and are neither prequel nor sequel to each other. Basically they are 3 seperate games with Final Fantasy XIII in the title.   Anyways, of the 3 games, the only one I am looking forward to is FFVersusXIII you can see the 2 s

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Otakon Is Coming Soon, And I Need A Gun

That is right. I need a new prop gun, because the one I have violates Otakon's weapon policy. I'll still bring the one I have for coool pictures, but I need to make one for the con. And Otakon is like 2 weeks away.   So basically, I just make one out of wood, and paint the details. Not impressive as one would think, but I need something quick.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lucky Seven

Today is a special day for lucky people. I am a lucky guy in general, so today will be extra lucky for me.   Dunno what to do on such a lucky day. Maybe I'll drive to Boston and take some pics of the common.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

300th Entry

I posted 300 entries (well actually 302, since 2 entries were public, but are now drafted).   Yes.   Celebrate.   Now.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

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