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Harry Potter



If he is so "magical" why doesn't he heal his eyesight so he won't have to wear glasses? :uhuh:


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Kind of like how I could probably go and get eye surgery so I wouldn't have to wear glasses, but I don't really want to? Maybe he just likes his glasses? Also:


Many wizards and witches wear glasses, so it seems that magic is unable to cure myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), or astigmatism like Muggle laser surgery. However, a lost eye can be replaced with a magical prosthesis like that of "Mad-Eye" Moody, which not only restored vision, but had advantages over a normal eye.


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so it seems that magic is unable to cure myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia

So there not-so-magic then. ;)

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so it seems that magic is unable to cure myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia

So there not-so-magic then. ;)

There are some things that you just can't cure or fix with magic. That doesn't make them "not-so-magic".



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But if they are so magic that they can do all these stupid things then he should at least be able to cure his eyesight.

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But if they are so magic that they can do all these stupid things then he should at least be able to cure his eyesight.

But you can't. You think Neville or his grandmother or any of those healers would have fixed his parents after Bellatrix tortured them into insanity if they could have? They would have. There are some things that you cannot fix whether they are something like having your ear cut off via dark magic or something as "simple" as having bad eyesight.



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But if they are so magic that they can do all these stupid things then he should at least be able to cure his eyesight.



So disappearing, being able to levitate, etc. are stupid?

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Also know that Harry couldn't do magic outside of school classrooms legally until he was 17, and by then he had much more pressing matters to deal with. (Although... considering how many times he lost his glasses...) Harry has always sucked at healing spells, so why would he take the time to learn a difficult spell(s) most likely limited to Healers and specialists. Eye magic would most likely be very precise and specific, not too many wizards' style of magic is like that anyway. Just think-- if anything went wrong (and spells do a lot if the wizard is not good enough in many ways) they would be blind for life. Do you think anyone is going to take that chance? He would have to get a very proficient wizard at any rate, and the only one he knew (besides Arthur Weasley of course) was Dumbledore; Dumbledore had more important things to attend to anyway.
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But if he can fly on a broom on Halloween then why can't he do a simple thing like that?


..Did you even read a thing I said?

Magic is not a simple thing, period. It can take years to master particular spells, they vary greatly in difficulty. Considering eyes are so complex, magic dealing with them is completely insane. Eye magic would be even harder to master than little spells, and considering Harry fails at charms and healing spells, I doubt he would be able to do it even after practicing 80+ years: that is to say, if it can even be done (which we do not know for sure.)

Flying on a broom is a skill like riding a bike: the magic is put into the broom by the manufacturers, the riders don't use any magic to actually use it.

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So why don't these broom makers heal his eyes? And if does all that other junk then WHY CAN'T HE HEAL HIS EYES?!

And for that matter, why does he have to ride a broom?

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So why don't these broom makers heal his eyes? And if does all that other junk then WHY CAN'T HE HEAL HIS EYES?!


Different wizards specialize in different sorts of magic. Pretty much like talents and their jobs usually correspond to what they are best at. (usually)

The only type of magic Harry is really good at is anything related to defense against the Dark Arts, such as offensive and defensive spells, and so he became a Dark Wizard hunter, not an optometrist. Broom makers focus on making brooms, not eye-related magic.

The only person I can possibly speculate being able to work eye magic would be Madam Pomfrey, Hogwart's nurse. Seeing as she's had him in the hospital ward almost every year he was at school and never fixed his glasses, I don't think she can, because no one probably even thinks about it.

And for goodness sakes, people today wear glasses all the time. We have eye-doctors, why do you think a great number of people still wear glasses?

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Cause eye doctors are not magic. ;)

But why does he ride a broom?

Yeah because when making an eye fixed with magic, the result is different :l

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Let's see... which is harder... changing the angle and shape of your eye by just a couple degrees OR doing EVERYTHING in the Harry Potter world...


Shocky, I'm with you.


Night Fury

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So why don't these broom makers heal his eyes? And if does all that other junk then WHY CAN'T HE HEAL HIS EYES?!

And for that matter, why does he have to ride a broom?

Erm, because Magic is tricky and has many limitations in the HP universe?





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Let's see... which is harder... changing the angle and shape of your eye by just a couple degrees OR doing EVERYTHING in the Harry Potter world...

Shocky, I'm with you.


Preforming eye surgery is an extremely difficult, delicate, and tricky task.

To do it on yourself is even harder.

(Eye surgery is NOT just changing the shape/angle of eyes. Take it from someone who has had it done.)

Even current laser eye surgery carries numerous risks, and that is with highly scientific and calculated equipment. Most eye doctors will just use contacts or glasses to correct vision. Do you really think Harry would cut open a flap in his eye, remove delicate tissue in the perfect measurement and shape and close it again successfully on his first try? The kid couldn't even produce a good summoning charm for a long time, do you really think he could do something that difficult and drastic? No.

How many times have I said this....

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