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I Need A Huggle -_-

Kevin Owens


That's right. I, Rage, surpreme master of universe, destroyer of worlds, scourge of the evil, embuirer of knowledge needs a stupid huggle.


Well, I'm kind of feeling depressed. I mean, look at me. I joined a little less than a year ago, and look where I am today. I've tried to leave my mark on BZP, but I just haven't. I've tried various ways, but I've failed every one. After my original comic topic, the rest never got past page 2. My AMV's, although good, never garnered that much attention. My art... well I'm not even going to touch on that. I could be better, but I can never find the time to practice.


As vain as it's going to sound, I want to be popular. I've tried emensely and failed at pretty much every aspect. I haven't even reached a 'cult' status. Sure I've got a very small and limited following (Orcrist, UberNacho, and GFLK kinda), but it's not enough. I mean, I don't want to be overly popular to the point where my blog gets a good rating just because its mine, but I just want to be popular enough to feel wanted.


And now I'm left with two choices on gaining that status. I can go with my sprite kit that I've started working on, or I can chug on ahead with my comics and try to get back to where I was. All I know is, I've got a long road ahead of me.


-Sad Time-


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Don't try, I only have three friends on the site. As long as they are my friends, I don't care if I'm popular or not. And to tell you the truth, if you try to be popular, in my opinion you will become less popular. And really, feeling sorry for yourself isn't cool. And it's pretty rare to leace your mark on BZP. I can only think of staff, people with full proto, and a couple of regular members that have done it. Just have fun here and don't just try to get people to adore you. Like I said, you have friends, right?
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Actually, a lot of people have noticed you. You've come up in several of my conversations with other people. Your short and to-the-point art reviews are memorable, and they can be very helpful.


I still call you "Not Tasty Wheat." Because that name was simply classic and unique. :happy:


Cheer up, Rage! You're known better than you think!






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Just don't change your name so much. People won't recognize you!


Speaking of which... who are you again?





:P Just kidding...


Hey you can just be Jack of all trades, master of none or something...


But remember, no one's good at everything, but we're all good at something.


And if there's a better solution, find it.




I should stop using quotes, cliches, and axioms now.

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Being important on BZP should be the last of your orries.


Doing good in school and having friends is more important. Dont be sad, you have freinds (right?)

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