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A Personal Statement

Kevin Owens


I know I'm on haitus right now, but this issue is hitting so close to home that I have to talk about it.


Blogs are in the same boat as images. They often go hand in hand, images appearing in blogs. They have certain rights. These are numerous. The right to exist. The right to enjoy peace and prosperity. However, above all other rights is this simple and inalienable right. Blogs and images have the right to be beautiful. While the images inside the actual entries are both very beautiful, often those in the content blocks are marginalized and taken advantage of. This is especially true for splash images. They are often abused by those holding old, outdated views of what's 'obscene' as dictated by silly notions that have long since past from the general consciousness.


Please, everyone. Help me fight blog and image abuse. If you have your content blocks on the left, use this image.





If you have your content blocks on the right, use this image.





Remember everyone, only you can prevent image and blog abuse.


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So the next big fight is gonna be about images in content blocks?

So it's expected that we have these every week?

Every month, actually.


And this entry has prompted me to go link my approvals when I get the time.

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This is going to be as big as that kissing thing!

I'll make it as big as it needs to be!


So the next big fight is gonna be about images in content blocks?

So it's expected that we have these every week?

Weeks? Months? Years? Days? It matters not to me! So long as there is a just cause, I will be willing to take up the fight against the evil doers who seek to deal havoc upon this humble little abode that I affectionate refer to as "Casa del BZPower."


Why must you try to start another big fight?

Fight? My good sir, you misunderstand me. This is no mere fight! This is something much, much more grander. This is my quest. To follow the star, no matter how hopeless or far it seems. I know that if I only be true to this glorious quest, that one day my heart will lie peaceful and calm when I'm laid to rest. And, yes, the world will be better for this! That one man, scorned and covered with scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage to reach that unreachable star!

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Fight? My good sir, you misunderstand me. This is no mere fight! This is something much, much more grander. This is my quest. To follow the star, no matter how hopeless or far it seems. I know that if I only be true to this glorious quest, that one day my heart will lie peaceful and calm when I'm laid to rest. And, yes, the world will be better for this! That one man, scorned and covered with scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage to reach that unreachable star!



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Sir, I find your insinuation to be heinous! Hear me now, you bleak blogoverse! You, who are filled with image abuse and hate! I am a staff member of this site, and now I hurl down the gauntlet at your feet! I am Comrade Gato, a forum mentor of BZPower. My destiny has called, and I have heeded its call. The whimsical winds of fortune will cary me onward where they go, and where I shall go is to glory!

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Sir, I find your insinuation to be heinous! Hear me now, you bleak blogoverse! You, who are filled with image abuse and hate! I am a staff member of this site, and now I hurl down the gauntlet at your feet! I am Comrade Gato, a forum mentor of BZPower. My destiny has called, and I have heeded its call. The whimsical winds of fortune will cary me onward where they go, and where I shall go is to glory!

I'm Aho! Yes, I'm Aho!

I'll follow my comrade till the end.

I'll boast to BZPower proudly

I'm his lover! I'm his friend!

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Sir, I find your insinuation to be heinous! Hear me now, you bleak blogoverse! You, who are filled with image abuse and hate! I am a staff member of this site, and now I hurl down the gauntlet at your feet! I am Comrade Gato, a forum mentor of BZPower. My destiny has called, and I have heeded its call. The whimsical winds of fortune will cary me onward where they go, and where I shall go is to glory!

I'm Aho! Yes, I'm Aho!

I'll follow my comrade till the end.

I'll boast to BZPower proudly

I'm his lover! I'm his friend!

Hear me, you rule breakers and infringers

And abusers of images!

All your dastardly doings are past,

You shall now witness the begining of a righteous endeavor

And a mentor shall triumph at last!

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Let's try not to be flame and be nasty, shall we?


But then again, I suppose you could say...


Dude looks like a lady?



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I am so out of the loop on this. :mellow:


You and me both.


Since there is obvious confusion over just what this blog entry about and, by correlation, my job here on BZPower.


I am a forum mentor. It is not my quest to enforce the rules, although I am often called upon to perform that task. Other staff have the job of enforcing the rules. Making sure that there is no inappropriate content posted, that signatures are of the proper length and height, and making sure people don't embed huge images into their posts. My job, while similar, is fundamentally different. While it is the job of other staff the separate the wheat from the chaff, it is my job to cultivate the wheat. It is my job to coach, to inform, and to educate. That doesn't mean making sure that the other members make the bare minimum. In means that members excel to heights they never thought possible.


It means I'm not content with members not breaking the rules. I'm not content with posts that are barely legible and use a horrible font like Comic Sans or Impact. I instruct, telling the members how to better themselves. I chastise them where they falter. Where they could do better. I encourage them, praising them for a good deed or a well thought out post. Truly, it is a righteous task that the admins have assigned me. It makes me sad that I often find myself telling the members to stop breaking the rules rather then praising them.


That is why I threw down the gauntlet with this post. I am calling you out BZPower! Don't settle for a subpar blog format! Have the blog flow from one side to the other! Make your headers face the right way! Stop image and blog abuse, for truly there is no more heinous crime. Aspire to more than the minimum! Challenge the status quo! Fight the power of mediocrity! Now is the time for change we can believe in! Together, we can create a new, glorious blogverse filled with beautiful images and blogs.


Tell me, will you answer the challenge?

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I'm not content with posts that are barely legible and use a horrible font like Comic Sans or Impact.

This makes me very sad. :(


But seriously, what is it people have against Comic Sans? I love it; a lot easier on my eyes than Arial. And even Impact isn't that bad.

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i don't get it


In plain English?

It is my duty, no my righteous quest to see to it that members set about the business of the great virtue we call self-improvement. I guide them, lead them, and when necessary chastise them. When I am forced to reprimand a member, it hurts. It hurts worse than you could ever imagine. Not only because that member has sullied the site, but also because they have shamed themselves. For who would dare protest the rules of BZP, so carefully forged under the watchful eye of admins, mods, and members alike? They are the rules we abide by, and they are the rules we uphold.


But it is not enough to abide by the rules, for any plebeian is capable of that. No! We must aspire to be more than average. We must become great! We must reach for the stars, for even if we do not reach them we will soar higher than anyone that has come before! It is my job! My duty! By Quest to see to it that members be the best members that they can be. Not settling for mediocrity, but being outstanding members of this community.


I'm not content with posts that are barely legible and use a horrible font like Comic Sans or Impact.

This makes me very sad. :(


But seriously, what is it people have against Comic Sans? I love it; a lot easier on my eyes than Arial. And even Impact isn't that bad.

To give you an idea of how horrible Impact is, I am going to write my response to you in it.


The problem with Comic Sans isn't that it's illegible. I suppose that was a rash overstatement of mine. The problem is that it's downright childish. Come, are we not men? Shall we not reason like men? Shall we not post like men? Then why should we resort to a font that looks childish? No. That shall never be! Choosing comic sans creates a bad impression. If Arial is not to your liking, there are hundreds of other sans serif fonts that you can use that look just as good.


Come! Aspire with me to greatness and manliness, for there is where our destinies lie!


How about we don't quote massive posts


You lost me at Forum Mentor.


Sometimes deep and noble truths take a second and third read through in order to grasp them.


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