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My Waitress



So I'm just going to say how I know a lot of great servers in the restaurant business, speaking as a known customer, or fellow employee, friend or even as a family member. I've watched these young people as they go through college, or motherhood, or just trying to get by working as a waiter or waitress. It's not easy. My dad once said if you ever work as a server then you'll have to humble yourself to make money. You have to put up with a shipload of angry people who may or may not care about making your life miserable while they eat the food you rushed out, and the whole time you have to put up a smile. You do all that for seven hours or so, and that's if you take single shift.


Having to put up with that, and still being able to genuinely be kind and helpful and put on a good smile for your friends in real life and at the job, is someone who I consider a strong person. I've seen women put up with some real bull from male customers before, and I've seen young busboys only trying to get into the kitchen so there pay is hourly, breaking their legs as they rush around. And still these friends of mine are kind.


I don't know, I was just laying down last night, and thought about all those loyal people I know before sleeping, thought I'd blog about them. lol


Here's to you my friends.


And now for an alternate story. I have this waitress, who every time I walk into the restaurant, I seem to get her table. She's got a nice personality, very pretty and our lives are kinda the same right now. She's about three/four years older than me, she knows I'm always going to order those sliders with fries, and we really don't talk too much, but always ask how each other are doing and give a story if we have one. And I leave a little better tip then the work she did, but hey she welcomes you, servers out food and then talks a little about her life and asks about yours. That's what a great server is and boy, I love my waitress. :3 Thanks for being so awesome!


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I agree, many people in life are quite rude to waiters and waitresses - even if they have a right to be angry, it doesn't mean you should take it out on the servers who have probably had an even worse day than the person they're serving.


I do know a few good waiters/waitresses, although yours sounds like a really, really nice person. :)

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Occasionally I find a waiter or waitress that's genuinely kind, but other than that, most of them are just doing their job. And I also tend to find that they're more chipper and welcoming towards the beginning of the day (around breakfast-time) when they haven't had to put up with all the angry customers yet.

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Ah the first part is for servers in general, the latter is because I was just blogging about a girl. :'D


But nice to read yal. Thanks

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