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This Annoys Me So Much



When people use the word "it's" when the word "its" should be there. And vice versa.


"Its" and "It's" are both words, believe it or not.


Example for "It's":


It is alive = It's Alive


It is alive =/= Its Alive


Example for "Its":


The keyboard had a target.


Its target moved. =/= It's target moved. (which would be 'It is target moved', which makes no sense)


"It's chair is comfortable" is incorrect. The correct form would be "Its chair is comfortable."


I hope people understand what I am trying to say.


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This is exceedingly correct, mildly awe-inspiring, and overall one of the better/best things I've read today.


If the fact that I understand and support what you're saying isn't clear already, it's (yes, IT'S) a fact anyway. :P


As for "its", its (yes, ITS) disregard in favor of "it's" by people who should be using it still confounds me.






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