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Chuck Season 5



Wow, that was quite an episode, and certainly makes for an interesting premise for the season. I will keep watching for sure.


Also I guess Grimm premiered before / after Chuck (I'm watching this all via Hulu right now, so I dunno what the original airing was like, since I was at work.) I might take a look at Grimm, because it's supposed to be filmed entirely in Portland, which is of course in my local area. (Although I don't normally identify with it, since I think the Vancouver area is cooler myself. :P ) But I need to watch it; just cause it's local doesn't mean that it's good. Portlandia, despite all the hype, was kinda lame IMO.


Edit: Watched it. It's okay.


Also, I know it's a little late, but since the boards were down at the time, DID YOU SEE THAT EPIC FINALE IN WAREHOUSE 13. That had to be some of the best episodes from the show yet, and I'm dying to see where they go from there. Also, the Christmas episode looks fun; at least better than last years.


Plus, there's the USA Network shows, but I don't have anything much to say about them. Except my boss likes White Collar, so we talked about that show a bit at work. (And at one point I make a reservation tag for Neal Caffrey for one of our hold sites... fun times.)




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I have a slow internet connection right now, so I can't watch Chuck, Warehouse 13, or White Collar. Can't watch any show without waiting for hours for it to download. :(


I am glad Chuck is back, but I heard it wasn't advertised very much, so it didn't pull as many viewers.

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