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A Special Idea

The Dark Chronicler


I have wanted to create this story for the longest time, but have never had the chance.


A story called...




A story that doesn't have a planned out story-line, each chapter moves the story farther along, and the plot is made up as the story goes.


But that isn't the main idea of this writing. The Idea is to get multiple writers working together on it, each taking turns writing a chapter.


So say I may write chapter one, and start out the adventure, then another writer gets to write chapter two.


But I wouldn't want this to be all in my style of writing, and make other people try to copy it. Each chapter would be written in the writer's favorite style to use.


So some chapters may be Prose, with others Script. Some may take a darker tone, while others are brighter.


And how the plot continues is decided by the next person who is to write a chapter.


So writers who may not have the time to write a story on their own can join in, and only have to write a chapter every once in a while.


The only restrictions would be that everyone has to work with a limited cast of characters. Meaning writers are not allowed to randomly bring in a bunch of characters.


The characters will be limited to one character from each of the writers, unimportant minor characters that are for only a chapter or two, and the villain who I would introduce in chapter 1.




I thank you for reading this. Should you like the Idea, and wish to join the writing, feel free to P.M. me or post it here. Without the help of other writers, this will be impossible.




Writing Team:


The Dark Chronicler - Epic


BioBeast (Probably) -


Toa Onarax - Epic


Cadias - Epic


The Fearless Leader (If it is an Epic) - Epic


Ghosthands (Possibly) - Epic/Comedy


Tyler Durden -


Nitro Frost (Possibly) -



I am going to have to stop taking members to the Writing Team for the moment. Eight is the perfect number. Should anyone decide not to join, or to quit, then a new spot will be opened.


Recommended Comments

I agree with Biobeast. Definetely interesting, and I've never really seen something written like this before, written by more than two people. I may or may not join... I suppose that time will tell.


Is this an epic, or a comedy? I get the feeling it's an epic, but you didn't specifically say that.

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Welcome to the Writer Team Onarax!


I'm not certain if it will be a comedy or a epic yet. It depends on what the writers want to write. I will ask the Writer Team before starting it.

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Yeah, I expected it would end up an epic.


But no, I'm not giving the decision to myself.


I'm going to have the Writing Team vote, and see which one would be preferred, comedy or epic.

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It seems like it is going to be an epic, since everyone but BioBeast (Who hasn't given a preference yet) Has suggested it be an epic.


I will admit, even I myself was hoping it would turn out as an epic. I just wanted to let everyone else choose.

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Not yet, I'm still working that out. And I'm still working on the main antagonist at the moment, but I hope he turns out how I want him to, unlike anything else before him.

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I'm helping TDC with the plot... and have found myself very deeply integrated into it. However, I can't give out more details... you shall see.

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Well, yes, but I will end up being fairly important should everything go to the very vague plan. And the villan and his minions definetely are important to the plot! Although you are correct... not very good word choice. It would have been more accurate to say that as a result I may have helped define how things start out, and may cause some interesting things to happen to said plot.

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