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I hate Monday. And to prove it, I have a little story. Enjoy:


Eyes closed... everything is dark. Suddenly, a loud screetching noise, and you sit up in your bed, screaming. You turn to face your nightstand, and shut off the alarm clock. Suddenly you realize why you set your alarm clock to wake you up so early:


It's Monday! Aaaagh!


You pop out of your bed, eat two bowls of cereal, get dressed, brush your teeth, comb your hair, swing your backpack around your left arm, and pout. You have to start school - for a whole week! Five miserable days until the weekend. But even then, it's only two days until you have to repeat the process.


This whole thing confuses me. Why do you have to go through 5 deathly days, and then you only get 2 seemingly-short days until you have to do everything again, until summer. But summer is only about two and a half months.



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