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Characters With Great Combat Prowess: Dull To Write For?



*Pivots baseball cap so that it is turned to left on head*


Yo. Wassup?


So broskis, this man Pirok was all 'Bit dull to write for, [strong, fight-winning characters are] TBH' in the BZIII Discussion Topic.


Then I was like, 'Yo, dawg. Don't go hatin' on The Captain's and Hau's swag, cuz they're bros to write who are real good in fights.'


And I went, 'Hey, dude. Let's have a chill time on my blog talkin' about this, yeah.'


So talk, peeps. And keep it k for da rules.


-The Fearless Leader


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I'm not quite sure what is meant by "strong, fight-winning characters".


If that statement describes a character who wins every fight he fights, then yes, that gets dull rather quickly. It's worth noting, though, that the inverse is also true: Characters who lose a lot of fights are rather boring to play as. I know from experience; Nova and Raknar aren't the best combatants. :P


However, if the statement describes a character who happens to just be very good at fighting, good enough that he happens to win most fights, then he won't be boring to play as. It's a question of purpose: If you build your character with the purpose of winning fights, then he could easily grow dull after a while; however, if you create your character with the purpose of being skilled, not just to win, then you'll have more fun because your goal is wider than winning.

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First of all, that was an unintentional typo, and you didn't have to mention me be name. I head meant to write 'IMO'.

I tried creating a character who could win fights, but I ended up having him killed by an NPC in a bar. Thus my intention to write 'IMO', rather than 'TBH'. :P

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Honestly, skilled PCs are a chore to use in fights.


As I've said before, sometimes fights against skilled opponents go on for far longer than they logically should.




You guys have heard me rant about this before.


On the subject...





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This must be the reason why we have a BZPRPG III. Tuck got tired of having the incredibly overpowered character known as Evil!Joske and his legion of Makuta-worshipping magic users, so decided to reboot it. Again.


But other than that, skilled characters can be somewhat boring to play. I prefer creative characters.


Hands up if any of your characters have created metal tentacles that stick out of the body or extra metal arms.

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I've never been one to enjoy super combat characters, they just aren't interesting to me. I find a character you only loses fights is hilariously fun if done the right way. Ah Venator, the loses who never realizes that he's losing, or accepts defeat. But I can see how that could get boring over time... I just have yet to reach that time yet.


So superfighters aren't interesting to me, and losing fights is awesome - This opinion not validated by scientific testing.

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My two cents on the subject:


Characters are far too often Boringly Invincible in mainstream works-particularly the protagonist. And some writers learn from that not to make Boringly Invincible guys.


However, they tend to be a bit extreme with that and make no guys really good at combat-no Achilles in their works, they declare! And that's the problem.


Many of my characters-The Captain and Hau, to name just two-are highly skilled at combat. Does that make them any more boring for me to write?


No. Because they aren't invincible, and that's not all-even an invincible hero, if their fight is written well and the odds seem to be stacked against them 'n' all, can be interesting to write for. Excellently written fight scenes alone can OCCASIONALLY make up for them winning each one-and of course, there's always winning the battles, but losing the wars.


You don't have to focus on their winning every fight as well. I focus on many other aspects of them and find those alone interesting. But as a whole, they are still aided by how they win fights in character.


So yes. I can see why a lot of people think writing for them is boring, but I can also see how it isn't always so.


-The Fearless Leader

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