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Bziii: The Golden Tahu Awards



Hello all!


It's a New Year - 2012. The BZPIII (or whatever you like to call it) has been running for almost three months, and as a celebration of our new year and new BZPRPG, I have great pleasure in presenting to you -




That's right! Now YOUR CHARACTERS have the opportunity to get their mitts on one of the incredibly prestigious (yet hitherto mysteriously unheard-of) GOLDEN TAHUS!


You, the players, will vote for your favourite BZPRPG characters in a number of categories. The winner of each category will take home* one of these beauties:




All masterminded, provided, and run by your host - me!


The Categories


The awards will be split into several categories - after all, there is a huge and diverse selection of characters out there in the BZPRPG, so it's only fair if we spread things out a bit.



  • Most Heroic Character
  • Best Evil Character
  • Least Sane Character
  • Funniest Character
  • Most Intelligent Character
  • Scariest Character
  • Most Clichéd Character
  • Most Enjoyable Character To Read About


  • Best Toa
  • Best Turaga
  • Best Matoran
  • Best Skakdi
  • Best Vortixx
  • Best of Non-Canon Species

Best of the Best

  • Best Character - the ultimate Golden Tahu!
  • Best Character 2nd Place
  • Best Character 3rd Place

Bonus Categories

  • Best Group
  • Best Player-Created Location
  • Best Custom Species
  • Best Player
  • Best Staffie

By the way, if there are any categories that I haven't included that you think I should, feel free to drop me a PM! Same goes to any other things you think I should change - I'm open to suggestions ;)


Voting System


One voting opens, the system will be as follows:


Round 1: Nomination


PM me your nominations (initial votes) for each category. You can nominate ANY character except your own; those which get the most nominations in each category will be moved to the short-lists.


Round 2: Final Voting


Again, PM me your votes, this time choosing ONE from each shortlist. You cannot vote for characters not on the shortlist. I will compile the votes and come up with the FINAL RESULTS!



The Rules

  • Everyone is entitled to a vote - one vote and only one in each category.
  • You may not nominate or vote for one of your own characters or for yourself.
  • You may nominate or vote for your own group, location or species - but please vote for the one you genuinely think is the best.
  • Please do not 'ask' other people for votes, or post 'vote for...' banners.
  • Violation of the above rules may result in disqualification from the awards.

Happy voting!







So mates, discuss this totally awesome (and quite coincidentially endorsed by Pein) new thing right here.


Recommended Comments

No. For one, I'm too lethargic today for that sort of thing. For another, I have yet to find a char I even remotely consider the Best Turaga, Best Matoran, Best Skakdi, or Best Vortixx (no offense).

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On a more serious note, someone needs to nominate Doomslayer and Jolek for Funniest Character -- Doomslayer because, well, he's ridiculous, and Jolek because of his blatant cluelessness about romance.

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Haha, glad you guys are getting into it ;)


Remember, I may make my own nominations. I get a vote too! If it looks like someone's been missed, I may add them to the shortlist.

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You guys would be surprised if you saw what was on my list. I wonder what Geisthaende will think...





Golden Tahu Awards Update:


As I've received votes from several members already, preliminary voting is now officially open! Submit to me, via PM, your nominations for as many categories as possible.


Happy voting!



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For now, at least, as people starting voting straight away (:angry:) I am not adding any categories. Once the nominations have finished, I might add your suggestions, but a lot of them seem impractical and too specific.

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@Geisthaende: This is you 'n' me right now, respectively. Creds to Lazzy.


Do note, though, that I play the second guy's role much of the time. Comes with being a small-time paranoid. XP




Now if y'all would allow me to speak for us all early-voters here:


*Clears throat*


O my Geisthaende, I am heartily sorry, for I have offended Thee and I detest all my nominations, because I dread the loss of awards and the pains of your sarcasm, but most of all because I have offended Thee, my Geisthaende, Who art all-admin and deserving of all my votes. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy judgement, to confess my nominations, to do penance and to avoid the near occasion of nomination. Amen.




Note: This prayer is not intended to make fun of any religion. This IS intended for comedic purposes.




*Takes coat off*


Let's do this thing.

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1. It's 'entry', not 'post'.


2. This blog entry is for that as well. It's all-encompassing in regards to the GTA and was personally comissioned by Ghosthands.




I'm surprised Aexias got in. I'm also a bit surprised at the fact that there was only one nominee 'Most Cliched Character', but not at who said nominee is.


But just because there are so many of my chars/groups in the voting list doesn't mean anything to me. I have a feeling that TDC, Biobeast, and Geisthaende will dominate in the polling because everyone knows them. The only character of mine who could get far IMHO? Doomslayer-because he's Infernavika crew and that's a good few people controlling dudes onboard.


Not bitter. But I do feel the problem with the awards is that not many people are following the adventures of guys totally unrelated to theirs in less than a skim.

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Given the fact that I stick with who I know, same for me.


LL, why did you nominate Jolek, anyway?


It's Tarex who finds himself in the situation more often.


Then again, Jolek's response to the fangirl hordes was rather amusing, and I'm sure he and Cyrunei'd engage in some witty banter once they got to know eachother a little better...


Problem with that is, I'm not very motivaed right now to make that happen, or even touch BZ3.


Yeesh, at this rate I should get my own blog to rant on, that'd be an experience...

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