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Hello And Goodbye

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Hello! This is my blog entry for saying goodbye and hello to everybody here on BZPower!


If it is morning where you are, then good morning! Have a great day! Make sure to drink lots of coffee and enjoy the sun!


If it is evening where you are, then good evening! I hope your day went well! Enjoy what's left of it!


If it is nighttime where you are, then good night! Sleep well! Don't let the bed bugs bite!


If it is snowing where you are, keep warm! Wear your nice, warm coat and eat lots of snowflakes!


If it is raining where you are, don't get wet! Bring a towel with you and put it on your head, and it will keep you dry!


If it is sunny where you are, then go outside and play in the nice, warm sun! Go for a swim!


If it is hailing where you are, stay inside and don't go out to play golf until it ends!


If it is Christmas where you are, Happy Holidays! I hope Santa brings you lots of presents, and don't forget to tie popcorn to the dead tree!


If it is your birthday where you are, then you are one year older! Congratulations on living another long year!


If it is Halloween where you are, put on a nice costume and go out and get lots of candy, but don't get a stomach ache!


If it is yesterday where you are, enjoy it and welcome from tomorrow!


If it is tomorrow where you are, hello from yesterday, and I hope tomorrow is better than today!


If it is last week where you are, this week is just as good as that one, and you will enjoy it just as much!


If you happen to be offline while you're reading this, then when you come online, pick the one which applies to your current state and read it after you read this!


Saying hello and goodbye runs very deep in my family!





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If it is evening where you are, then good evening! I hope your day went well! Enjoy what's left of it!

That applies to where I live.

Well thank you,and good evening/morning/night to you too!

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To quote a line from a movie Turakii's too young to remember seeing:


"Good morning! And in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"


Toa Macku

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To quote a line from a movie Turakii's too young to remember seeing:


"Good morning! And in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"


Toa Macku

The Truman show! :o I love that movie!

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Oh, that's the best movie ever. My parents rented it when I was 8. It was really funny... And I think they spoofed it in Family Guy once....

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If you happen to be offline while you're reading this, then when you come online, pick the one which applies to your current state and read it after you read this!
Wow. Now that's bizzare. The first time my brother read this entry, he used a program to view it offline on his PDA! :P


~ :h: :t:

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To quote a line from a movie Turakii's too young to remember seeing:


"Good morning! And in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"


Toa Macku

This is the only time that quote could be used in context outside of that movie. ^^

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You know, I've been rereading this entry for two days now and I still can't think of a witty comeback. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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