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Another Convention Idea



Do you own a Thornatus (2009 Tan Battle Vehicle) and plan on attending / sending stuff to a convention? If so, this blog post is for you. :D


So the Thornatus has this one GIANT black, spikey, plastic wheel. IMO, it's kinda a lame piece; it doesn't make for a good wheel, and it's too large to really fit on anything else nicely. For me, it mostly takes up room in my Lego containers. I'm not going to assume that this is the same for everybody who owns that piece, but I'll guess that it's not on your star MOC.


So we need to make it into a MOC.


You see, I was thinking, what if I had multiples of these wheels? And what if I... stacked them? Using only a couple of technic connectors, the wheels should fit on top of each other snugly. And if we could do this for multiple and multiple wheels, we could make one rad looking tower. (I'd upload an LDD image, but that'll have to wait for when Majhost comes back.)


To do this tho, we'd need lots of these wheels. I checked online, and they're hard and expensive to come by, so this can't be an individual project. But then I thought to myself "Where would I find a bunch of teenage to adult people who would've probably bought a Thornatus set back in the day? Maybe on a Bionicle fansite!!"


So what do you think? Send in a big Thornatus wheel, help make a giant tower? (We could even use the 4 smaller-but-still-big-and-spikey wheels that came with the Thornatus to build smaller side towers.) Thoughts?




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sure. I havent played with my thornatis since my dog mauled it and chewed up the cockpit cover. just pm me or something like that or whatever

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