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>Mom has leftover juice fro. the candied kumquats she's making

>Decide to drink it

>Realize there's a dead bug floating in it

>Already took a sip


Excuse me while I go wash my mouth out. With soap. For the next few hours.


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lolol I c wat you did thar



Insects are good for you. ;)lol


Well if you want to drink it be my guest, but I'll pass. :P



Not sure if grossed out or Emperor Whenua


Ew EW (loljk no offense EW if you're reading this which you prolly aren't but w/e)



Why did you stop drinking? All the flavor is in the bug.


Yeeeeah, not particularly my favorite flavor...



Protein, bro.


I can get protein from other things thanks. :P Like beef! Beef is good...

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You know you swallow something like 5 spiders a year?


Have fun sleeping! =D


Well, I'm not consciously eating them then, so I'm more okay with it than realizing there's a fly swimming in my juice.



You ethnocentric person! Insects are a delicacy in many other cultures! :P


I'm fine with people eating bugs, as long as it isn't me. :P

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You know you swallow something like 5 spiders a year?Have fun sleeping! =D
I'm pretty sure that's just an urban legend.


Or just the average of all the people in America/Europe who don't eat bugs on a regular occasion.

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You know you swallow something like 5 spiders a year?Have fun sleeping! =D
I'm pretty sure that's just an urban legend.


It is. Also, 8 is the most common number for this legend. The logic is that spiders like wet, dark, warm places, being bugs, so they crawl into your mouth. That we eat 5 or 8 or whatever spiders a year is just ridiculous. Spiders REALLY LOVE wet, dark places--a lot. So the number is WAY too low!

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