Apparently... Bionicle and BZPower Entry posted by Makuta_of_Oz March 10, 2012 727 views Share More sharing options... Followers 0 Protodermis means "primitive skin", according to my Mac's built-in Dictionary! :/
Lyichir Posted March 10, 2012 The "dermis" part of the word was technically one of the first clues to Mata Nui sleeping beneath the island. This is probably what the makers of the MNOLG were intending when protodermis appeared as a layer of semi-organic rock beneath Onu Koro that could not be broken. This was decanonized later, but it was probably a hint from back before BIONICLE's success when LEGO was prepared to put the "reveal" of the Great Spirit at the end of the first year. Quote
Makuta_of_Oz Posted March 10, 2012 Oh, I just realised I misread my dictionary! :s It actually means "primitive skin"! I edited the first post. Quote
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