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What's So Great About My Little Pony?



Is it the characters? The animation? The story? Does it have a continuous story like the best kids' shows of the 90s?


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It's a variety of factors. Personally, I like both the storytelling style, with its rich, diverse characters, and the aesthetic style, with its colorful character and setting designs.


It doesn't really have a continuous story. You see occasional bits of continuity (characters reading books they were introduced to in previous episodes, etc.), but for the most part each episode tells a unique and self-contained story.


If it is a continuous story, then some of the parts certainly aren't told in order, as an autumn-themed episode in the first season comes two episodes after a winter-themed episode, and there's no implication that it takes place over half a year later.

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Also, it's not just the show. It's the community, with their constant music and comics and artwork and stories and whatever, that keeps a lot of bronies coming back for more, I believe.

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power rangers stopped having a continous story around the turn of the centruy if I remember correctly, give or take a few years.

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The songs.


Also Fluttershy. MLP has Fluttershy. That makes it good.


Otherwise, MLP isn't really as amazing as it's often stated to be. It's a great cartoon, but there are a lot of other great/good cartoons going around these days. Legend of Korra, Thundercats, Dan Vs, Adventure Time, Regular Show, etc. Bronies tend to praise FiM as a series of immaculate depth and unique stature as "a decent cartoon," because they are bronies. But, subjectively speaking, it isn't that big a deal. Not everyone must like it and not everyone must try it out.


Though...I don't know exactly how that rant is very relevant...

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It's better than reading your blog. :3

Sadly, I can't really type the best possible response to that on BZPower.


As someone who HATES THAT DANG SHOW SO MUCH AFDSGH, basically what Panty Anarchy said. I can see what others see in it, but I don't like it myself.


Why are you so fixated on hating on MLP? I used to do that, as you can see in a few of my blog entries, but then I realized that people can like things I don't like and that's OK. In fact, I'm ashamed of myself for having acted that way; I'm more than used to putting up with people insulting my hobbies; I'm not entitled to act like them.


It was like this thing that frontpaged on content aggregator website about a month ago, this flash game about this mom trying to get her family to try WoW - the guy who wrote it had issues, and it showed. In the game, his way was the ONLY way. Physical abuse [!!!] was OK, since it was all towards the end goal of getting her family to play WoW. I read through the game's source code - interspersed throughout it in the form of comments was this guy's experiences about how others don't share his hobbies; it wasn't bad at first (I've had experiences like the ones detailed in the beginning, about not being able to easily relate to peers due to different interests) but culminated in a rant about how "normals" were intrinsically inferior because his hobbies (video games) are superior, and how they're all stupid and he's a genius [!!!].


You're not nearly as bad as that guy, but be careful.



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Dude? Are you OK? Seriously, the hyperbole is a bit excessive in response to a guy who made a joke. M_o_Z is just asking what people like in a show (presumably to determine whether he should give it a shot), and a few people responded with a bit of humor.


(I can't even tell who you're trying to respond to anyway, but either way Grant's joke doesn't deserve an NSFBZP response, nor does a person asking about the merit of a show.)


You can't really talk to people about how you've gotten better at accepting viewpoints when you feel the need to make a comparison to someone beating her family. If anything, your advice looks bizarrely alarmist and straight-out wrong.

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To make things clear, I was just curious. I have no intention of getting into MLP (except maybe observing the animation style), but I wasn't hating on it either.

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