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Fortnightly Challenge #1



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Fortnightly Challenge #1


EDIT: See Nuile's comment

here for further explanation/more information!


When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one writer to stand in an effort to encourage those around him to stand up beside him, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the removal of themselves from their comfortable repose in their chairs and to rise to their feet.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all writers are created equal, that they are endowed with the unalienable certainty to Write, that among these are Paper, Pencil and the pursuit of a Computer which is generally considered more convenient to write with; that to secure these rights, Guilds are instituted among Authors, deriving their just powers from the unity of the Members. And in our Duty to our passion we Unite to further these truths, our Destiny.


Today a revolution begins. A writing revolution. Let we the writers of Bionicle Zone Power, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Inspiration, insure domestic Activity, provide for the common Enjoyment, promote the general Benefits, and secure the Blessings of Writing to ourselves and our Compeers, ordain and establish this Guild for the Bionicle Zone Power Authors.


In other words, fellow writers of BZP, let us get together; let us inspire one another to write; let us share with one another the benefits of writing; and let us enjoy ourselves!


Your Challenge: Daily Writing


"A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write." - author unknown


With the launching of the BAG, a fresh season approaching, and seven months left until the end of the world, there's no better time to begin developing good habits. And one of the most important, most beneficial habits a writer can develop is tenacity and dedication: Writing every day, 24/7, 365 days a year. A writer's greatest adversary is indolence. So for the next two weeks, let's do just that! The important thing is to set a goal and adhere to it. The fun part is seeing by how far you can surpass it!


My goal is 500 words a day. What's yours?


Feel free to post your progress here day-by-day, or wait until the two weeks are up and post your total, or better yet, both. Just remember: Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today! Let's see just how many words we can all write together!


Your Prompt: In the first place . . .


Use this as a springboard to inspire your work this week, or don't.


Ameliorate Your Privy Lexis:


diurnal adj. 1 a : recurring every day


b : having a daily cycle


2 a : of, relating to, or occurring in the daytime


b : active chiefly in the daytime


c : opening during the day and closing at night


ameliorate transitive v. : to make better or more tolerable


intransitive v. : to grow better



lexis n. : lexicon


privy adj. 1 a : private, withdrawn


b : secret


2 : belonging or relating to a person in one's individual capacity

3 : admitted as one sharing in a secret




The Point Is . . .


Or rather, the points are as follows: Five for the challenge, one for incorporating the prompt, and one per lexis word. In total, this amounts, for those of you who are writers but not mathematicians, to nine fourty two eleventy six ten points.


Recommended Comments

:kaukau: I was actually thinking of writing a decent, quality blog entry every day for the next two weeks (excluding graduation-party-heavy weekends). It's nice to see some encouragement. While I guess this doesn't change my goal, I think I might also work on an extended short story within my IDES universe and post it near the end.


Bear in mind, you'll have to read and review it when it becomes public. I'll force you to through numerous annoying reminders.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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Was away from home just about all day yesterday, so 0 for that day. Today I decided to make up for it, and, having misread this blog post and assumed 500 words/day was the general goal and not your personal one, aimed for 1000. I wound up at a little over 1400. Not too bad.

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Velox and I talked it over and determined that he who laughs first does, indeed, laugh last. Logically it follows that the first object into a tube is the last out because it's at the bottom and therefore cannot be reached without removing the other objects first.


On another note, we also determined that it's unfair to ask you guys to write daily for two weeks on such short notice. We sympathize with the probability of schedules that preclude one's ability to do that. Therefore we define the parameters of the challenge as this: because the challenge will be open from the day it began to four weeks thence (June 16th), your challenge is to write a minimum ten days out of twenty-eight. As an extra incentive to those who can write two weeks straight as in the spirit of the challenge, there will be two further points awarded for any and all who accomplish two straight weeks of writing. If you can write diurnally for all four weeks, you will earn yourself one further point in addition, for a total of thirteen points (including the prompt and vocabulary words) that will be quite singular with regard to future challenges. If you can write diurnally for two straight weeks out of these four, you earn twelve points, and ten if you write ten days spaced as you wished across the twenty-eight. There are twenty-five days remaining; plenty of time to manage fourteen days straight, or ten out of all those days. So what are you waiting for? Write!



A few further details I thought I would specify. First, this challenge closes at 11:59 PM EST, Saturday, the 16th of June; that means that the 19th of May did not qualify as one of the days of this challenge. Instead, the Saturday it ends will qualify. Easier for it to start a day late than end a day earlier.


Second, you can meet this challenge with more than one literary piece. For example, you can use two vocabulary words in an epic chapter, one more in a short story inspired by the prompt, and the last in a short story that qualifies for the challenge (which does not apply do this challenge, but will to future challenges). You cannot qualify twice, but you can spread your qualifications across multiple works.


Lastly, your writings do not need to be posted on BZPower to qualify. This probably isn't a problem many of us will come across, but I know I personally will beworking, for the most part, on a novel this summer--and therefore will not post my writings here. If you too, in one way or another, can't post your stories here--no worries!


Entries for the Flash Fiction Marathon do qualify, in case you wondered.



From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith


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[color: #008000]Entries for the Flash Fiction Marathon do qualify, in case you wondered.[/color]


I began reading this entry hoping I could use Flash Fiction Marathon entries. Thanks for clarifying. :)

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