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Yesterday's Scribbles [Art]

Taka Nuvia


Random extremely small things? Why yes, of course. ^^ Actually there's more, but I don't want to pic spam you, and also it's not like everything I do deserves being uploaded... :lol:

lined_paper.jpgYup. I don't like it, but for some reason I decided to doodle in my calendar...

zleeep_small.jpg Tired... haha she has no mouth. But those eyes... O.O

weiiirdeyes.jpg Yep. The eyes are infinitely scary.


tree2.jpgAnd another tree.




Tiny tiny scribbles.


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I like the eyes too but I must admit that they do look a little scary...


For some reason in the 3rd doodle I keep thinking she is saying 'Give me your food...'. It was from a movie or something where a dog said 'Give the dog your food' with the same huge eyes.


I don't know why but I love how you make your trees. They just look like they fit the scenery and with it being black and white it reminds me of winter.

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You'll need some eye drops soon if you keep staring like that. :P


Haha :D


I like the eyes too but I must admit that they do look a little scary...


For some reason in the 3rd doodle I keep thinking she is saying 'Give me your food...'. It was from a movie or something where a dog said 'Give the dog your food' with the same huge eyes.


I don't know why but I love how you make your trees. They just look like they fit the scenery and with it being black and white it reminds me of winter.


Hehe yes, they really do. :D


I totally see what you mean. xD It would definitely work for the doodle, too.


Well thank you! =D

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