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That's a lot of Writing



So I've probably mentioned that I've been working on one of my personal stories. It's a long one, already over 200 pages long. But I started rewriting it way back in 2009, and I've been making slow progress on it. I've only really begun to crank it out this last month, when I got past a lull point and moved onto some of the exciting parts! And I've been keeping my progress documented too, so I know roughly how much I've written and when.


A week ago or so, I noticed that I had written quite a lot, and I checked. It was around 37,000 words in only like 20 days. I thought of NaNoWriMo (National November Writing Month) where you're supposed to write 50,000 words in 30 days. So I decided to see if I could do that this month. The acronym would be more like Per-Ju-Wri-Mo-Ki for Personal June/July Writing Month Kinda. :P


Yesterday was my 30 day mark, so I calculated up my total writing for the past 30 days. 56,294. :br:


Hah, that's more than my last NaNo story, which is still unfinished but since it's part of a series I need to end it eventually. I have ideas of where to go, I just need the time and proper inspiration. But apparently I've got that for this other epic instead. :D


But I also go back to school in a few weeks... yeah, unemployed summer is almost over. Then my writing will dip yet again.




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Dang, nice. Makes me kick myself for not working on my own writing projects. =P Man, I need to start writing more. 50k a month would be fantastic.



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Very nice. I'm aiming to do NaNo for the first time this year - 50k in a month seems pretty daunting, but I'm hopeful.

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If you use the right tools and the right schedule then NaNo isn't actually that horrible--the only problem that can happen is something that was anticipated to be short might explode on you.


Meaning my 'short' story which exploded into a 57,000 epic that still isn't complete.


If you need a writing 'motivation' tool, let me know.



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:kaukau: That reminds me, I have to work past the first, admittingly ambitious first chapter of my really long web serial. I think what's holding me back are a few plot points I don't know how to execute, but there's also the point that sometimes I lose interest. Still, I think I could easily write 5,000 words per day if I set my mind to it. It's just that...yeah, I get sidetracked and I have to kick myself in the butt for it. Michael Phelps would not approve.



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