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Brickfest Organizer Recap



As posted on Lugnet earlier today...


It's Tuesday. I think. That means BrickFest 2007 must be complete. I'm pretty sure, through the lack of sleep haze. And before the glow fades (or consciousness fully returns), I'd like to present a recap of the event.


First, some numbers.


Date: March 30 through April 1, 2007

Convention Attendees: 214

Location: 45°31' North, -122°39' West

Public expo: 5 hours (on the auspicious first of April)

Public expo attendees: 2,800+

Estimated average hours of sleep per attendee per night: 5

Liters of alcohol consumed at the Red Lion watering spot: UNKNOWN


Some things that stand out in memory...


* Standing on the bleachers and watching the public throng, a Brownian motion of multicolored heads flowing around stantioned displays


* The sheer number of attendees who wanted to help and volunteer in one way or another - for which they deserve a huge "thanks"!


* A solid background murmur with the occasional high-pitched, "Mommy! Look at THIS!" punctuating frequent comments of "wow" and "cool" and "I didn't know you could DO that with Legos!"


* Spectators gathered around the various Mindstorms contests - at times silent and motionless, but then suddenly erupting into applause and cheers at some robotic feat


* A huge 30,000 square foot space with enormous ceilings and excellent lighting showing off the MOCs lined up neatly in their areas


* Seeing 30+ people arriving on setup day and getting everything ship-shape for Friday morning


* Unveiling a King Cake at a pizza party Thursday night, shipped overnight from New Orleans


* Listening to a train guy enthuse to everyone just how cool the Bionicle display was (which it was)


* Kevin Clague setting an example of "sharing the wealth" when he donated one of his pneumatic MOCs for a door prize - and then passing on a prize when his name was called a bit later, since he'd won earlier


* Talking with Richard Stollery of LEGO (Steve Witt's boss), and feeling that my voice is being heard - and hearing others feel the same way about their own conversations with LEGO attendees


* Watching SCLTC wheel in several massive boxes they'd shipped from Southern California, and sharing in the collective empathetic wince when they RATTLED


* Sharing enjoyment of a casual atmosphere during the first two days, without feeling the pressure of "putting on a show" - it came together by Sunday morning with only a little scramble in skirting and finishing displays


* Circling the impressive Brick Bazaar and fighting temptation - but not succeeding


* The crush and heat and blood lust and sheer mass of people in a confined space at the LEGO Store in Washington Square on Friday night, but also an overall sense of shared adversity and willingness to help somebody you didn't even know. And oh yeah, the great deals and excellent PaB selection (like old grey 1x2 tiles!)


* The look on the faces of the first public attendees after the doors were opened - after the announcement that the expo was opened was greeted with applause by everyone in the hall. I'm sure it was the first time members of the public were applauded simply for entering a LEGO display.


* The winner of an April Fool's dino train MOC given away on Sunday


* I'm 185 bricks tall


* Matt Chiles' Bleyman picture


* The biggest Dirty Brickster I've ever been involved with, nearly 50 people, getting done in about an hour and a half


There are only so many adjectives you can use to describe an international gathering of (mostly) adult LEGO fans. And I'm sure they've been used in previous event descriptions, so I won't even try. For those who've been involved in an event like this, BF07 was as good as it gets. For someone who's never attended a large AFOL event - do it. Really.


Even after the months of preparation, frantically designing the program, bouncing the contract with the OCC back and forth, finding box after box after pallet of "stuff" ultimately destined for the event showing up on my doorstep... after all that, listening to the comments and questions of "When will the next one be held?" certainly made it all worthwhile.


Many people came up to Steve, Christina and myself during and after the event, each saying essentially the same thing: thank you for the work and making this a great BrickFest. I don't know what Steve and Christina replied, but for my part I usually responded with a lame nod and "you bet" or something equally inane. When my brain kicked into gear again this morning, I realized why I had such a hard time responding.


The organizers didn't make it a great con. The attendees and volunteers did.


We simply provided the opportunity for everyone else to come together and make it the type of event we all wanted. That's all.


So thank YOU. I had just as much fun as anyone.


Kelly McKiernan

BrickFest 2007 Co-Organizer


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I told you we would have Steve B. converted by the end. :P


Oh and next time you need help selling stuff at your booth, make sure to let me know. I loved the job, if you get what I mean. ;)



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* Kevin Clague setting an example of "sharing the wealth" when he donated one of his pneumatic MOCs for a door prize - and then passing on a prize when his name was called a bit later, since he'd won earlier

I won said prize.

* I'm 185 bricks tall

No number of bricks can measure my stature!


Brickfest PDX 2007 was made of equal parts of win and awesome.

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I really had a wonderful time at brickfest, and REALLY REALLY hope to attend another! And to think that I converted a train guy to liking Bionicle? WHOOPEEE! Thats an acheivement LOLOL


I look forward to NW Brick Con this october. I'll have a trailer ready for my movie, as well as some awesome presentations. I've never been good at giving speeches, but I could talk about bionicle for hours it seems.......


I managed to hold well for the 5 hours of nonstop bionicle question at the brickfest expo.....


Hope to see you at the next one!


Hoorah for Bionicle and its awesomeness!

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Sounds like you had a great time. I'm really glad the AFOLs appreciate us Bionicle fans more now.


Roa McToa, I'm sure your MOCs will talk for you. Just start from there. Also talk about some history, why Bionicle is good (especially on a money point from Lego), and you can totally discuss the Technic part about it because of all your MOCs. (And it might be good to discuss fusion too, because that includes the bricks!)


Bink, your list inspired me to calculate my own height in Lego Bricks! I'm 165 bricks tall! (I think. I forgot, but I'll know next time someone asks my height!)


And Bleyman rocks. Because "Bley Sucks"


Oh, sounds like fun. Maybe someone in WAMALUG (Washington Metro Area) will actually pull something small off here in DC.


So, um, get some sleep. You deserve it!



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