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Nervous and To Do List

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. Here is the entry that I said I would post before the trip on Saturday. And man, I am nervous about this trip, especially meeting people. Argh, I am so horrible at social interactions... *sigh*


But anyway, if you want to know how to spot me there, I should be the dude wearing thick glasses, a collar shirt with the logo of Penn State on it, and really short hair. I imagine I'll be easy to spot, especially if you recall last entry's picture of myself. *shrugs* Really I have no idea why anyone would actually want to meet me there though since I am no one special...


Alright, moving on from that, here is my To Do List for tomorrow.


Saturday's To Do List

- Get up early (Around 6:30-ish)

- Shower and Shave

- Eat Breakfast

- Brush teeth

- Get my stuff for the trip (Failsafe Maps, Camera, Wallet, Cell Phone, etc.)

- Wait to be pick up

- Get pick up by my friend

- Have a two to three hour conversation with say friend during the ride down

- Stop to get something to eat for lunch around noon-ish

- Wait in line to get into BrickFair and Pay the fee to enter Successful

- Go to Bionicle table first to check out the display and greet anyone there, if I have the guts to speak to any of them that is. *nervous* FAIL

- Explore the other tables/Take a bunch of pictures Successful

- Try to buy a BZPower shirt and maybe check out the vendor stuff there FAIL

- Uh...Have another two to three hour conversation with my friend, while heading back up to good old PA

- Get home and dump the pictures on to my computer...Possibly upload them to my Photobucket to show here later

- Watch Toonami or Psych FAIL

- Go to bed


And well, that's all for today, folks. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I guess I will be seeing some of you tomorrow possibly. Until then, see ya, BZPers.


- JMJ 2012


Recommended Comments

@Azul: XD I'll be disappointed if that does not happen, sis. The cat better be the one rapping too. :P


@Ballom: Aw, thanks. I look forward to meet you as well.


lol And now you can tell me to my face to review your epic. :P


- JMJ 2012

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