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Taka Nuvia


Getting better, yay, and nooo, that's not because I went shopping with my mum and my sis. Well maybe. Aaanyways, I was quite amused when we went to a book store, because out of the three books I found, two were dealing with vampires :vampire:


One being more the kid/teenie-oriented type, with chapters like "What type of vampire are you", "How to become a vampire" and of course, "What to do with your new undead life". But what's funny about it is that I found many hints to the gothic subculture (both among the styling tips and the music section [bauhaus/The Cure/The Sisters of Mercy, anyone? xD])

The other one was centered around the historical aspects, and vampires (or similar beings) in different cultures.


Both different, but both fun. ^^



not that anyone cares about the fact that cheesy vampire stuff entertains me as long as it's not centered around a friggin LOVE STORY. ><


Recommended Comments

HEY! Chibi Vampire is TOTALLY an adorable story. ;-;


Though, that second book sounds really cool! I'd love to read up on that sort of history.


The first five minutes of Up told a better love story than the entirety of the Twilight Saga.


- Vorex


Pfft, you kidding? Those five minutes are better than Romeo and Juliet, The Notebook, and Attack of the Killer Zombie Vampires from Mars. I love it so. ^^

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