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Ghost King Wednesday - 08/29/12 And news

It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for another chapter of The Ghost King's Tragedy. It's Chapter Five, so we're now at the halfway point, so yay and stuff. Here's an excerpt:


Akuna glanced up at the trees as she walked. She saw no sign of the Ghosts, which meant that there probably wasn’t a trap. That boosted her confidence. Her electrical wire trick earlier must have scared them off for good. As it should, for Akuna was a powerful Toa and if they got in her way . . . well, that was their problem, not hers.


As it was, Akuna was too caught up in her own thoughts to notice Oggak shout, “Akuna, get down!” until it was too late.


Akuna heard a rushing sound and, looking to the side, saw a mass of darkness charging at her. The darkness slammed into her full force, knocking her out instantly.


Read the rest of Chapter Five here.


Also, I am happy to announce that yesterday I finished writing BIONICLE: The Legend Imploded, the final comedy in my parody trilogy. I will need to edit it, however, so don't expect to see it anytime soon. I will say, however, that I think it is probably the best and funniest comedy in the entire trilogy and I hope the rest of y'all will agree once I post it.


I've also started work on a new short story, starring Toa Chimoy from the Shika Trilogy. All I will say about it at this point is that it deals with, at least to some extent, how Chimoy joined the Toa Shika when they were a simple band of Matoran thieves, before they became Toa. There is much more to it than that, but that's all I'm going to reveal for now.




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