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We Will Rock You



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Well, I just saw We Will Rock You today. It was really good. It was about how in 300 years, the future is controlled by a corporation called Globalsoft and making music has been banned and it's all done digitally. Then there's this guy who hears all of these modern song lyrics in his head and calls himself 'Galileo Figaro' (y'know, from Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody?) and he goes on his quest to return music to the world (or sum'in like that) with his new partner-in-crime, Scaramouche (Scaramouche, Scaramouche, can you do the fandango?). They end up finding Brian May's guitar in the end and stuff. Yay. If you want a full, accurate summary, just go to Wikipedia.


So, er, yeah. That's basically it. It was pretty raunchy and stuff and had a very George Orwell-esque view of the future.


On other news, I'm at my grandparents' condo right now. Gonna go to Indigo (a bookstore) tomorrow, maybe HMV (a music store) as well.


That's all for me. See ya later.



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Cool. I thought that it was just a concert. Like, normal and stuff. Do concerts have storylines? Weird.

On another note: Indigo rules!


Edit by Bionus: It's a jukebox musical. Just search "jukebox musical" on Wikipedia and you'll see.

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