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Life Decisions

Spoony Bard


Life is a long path of many decisions, whether right or wrong even though every decision you make is neither right nor wrong.


Take college for example. You choose to continue your education so you can increase chances of a better career that you pursue.


I chose to pursue a career in broadcasting. I enrolled in a well recieved broadcasting school, which is also part of the Art Institute of America. I did well. Not super awesome, but okay. Then some time down that road, I made a life changing decision. This decision totally through me off course. I am not proud for what happened. I still wonder how things would have been if I never made that decision.


I look back on the day it happened, and I wonder if what I did was right or wrong. Certainly the reaction given was what made it wrong, but where it led me somewhat makes it right. And I know you guys wanna know what I did, but it is very personal.


So now I am at another college taking liberal arts, which is general studies for those who are unfamiliar with that. I plan on transferring out when I get the credits I need and go to another school to pursue my career in whatever I like now, which is still broadcasting, but it is also photography.


However, now I am making a decision that can inflict that greatly. Although it is small to the eye of others, it is huge to me and it is something I gotta do.


I am withdrawing my english class. I am not failing, but considering the feedback I recieve from my teacher, I know I will not pass with a decent grade, or not pass at all. I find this situation to suck major big time. So my option is to either fail or get really low grade, or withdraw. So I am withdrawing.




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Makes sense, Omi. I tried to withdraw from my Media Studies class, because the work involved was affecting all my other subjects. However, my teachers said that I should continue with it, as I was going to get a good grade.


However, my other subjects are more important...and I'm not doing enough work to pass them. Hence my absence from BZP...


*Goes off to do some work*



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I'll keep this in mind when I go to college in less than two years. I would like to do journalism, but also might like something in math. I guess some of it will come up as I get to it.


Well, I hope you have a good life/job whatever you do.



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I work at a radio station, and am considering going to college for broadcsting... Wait, is that the right subject? For someone who works in radio already, I know very little unless it's behind a computer screen... and a microphone, but that's only on Sunday nights... I'm a co-host for a request show on Sunday nights... I LOVE my job!!! Taking the job totally changed my life, so I understand what you mean...

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All these blog about collage are just getting me so excited about it... :sarcastic:


Well, hope you pass your other classes then, if English doesn't suit you. According to my forcasted curiculum, I will only have to take one english class in collage. The rest will just be tough mathmatical, engineering classes and the such. :wacko:


Well, who says education is fun... rewarding, but not always while you're doing it.



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