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Reading Rainbow Road

I'm a bit behind on making this entry, I suppose. I finished The Thursday War last Friday night/early Saturday morning, completing my mission to reread all of the Halo novels before Halo 4. Woohoo! It was good, but not as good as Glasslands. It did have some nice twists and revelations, and a lot of stuff that seems like it will tie in to Halo 4. I'd definitely recommend it.


Now I feel like I have nothing to do though, after having spent all this time reading. To start though, I'm going to go through The Art of Halo followed by the Halo graphic novels. I'm not going to blog about all of those though, because I feel it would get too boring. These entries have already seen to have lost everyone's interest.


So what should I read next? I have to reread The Hobbit before December, and am considering re-reading the Lord of the Rings too. But I'd be open to some recommendations too.


Recommended Comments



I forget if I mentioned this, but A Game of Thrones, by George R. R. Martin is definitely recommended.


And perfect for near-Halloween: A Monster Calls, by Patrick Ness. Also any Edgar Allen Poe.


For page-turners, I'd recommend anything by Vince Flynn or Michael Connelly. Oh, and for fantasy, the Dresden Files, by Jim Butcher -- really a great series.






Have Space Suit / Will Travel is a sci-fi book by Heinlein, he has other good books too, like Red Planet and Space Cadet.


R A Lafferty is awesome, but all his stuff is out of print now.


- 55555



Re-reading any and all Tolkien is always a good idea, I'm trying to do that right now.



You should start reading all the Star Wars novels because that will keep you busy for the next few years.

Black Six


You should start reading all the Star Wars novels because that will keep you busy for the next few years.

Eh, I already read a lot of the good books back before the prequels. I don't think I want to read about how Chewie dies or how Jacen Solo turns to the dark side and kills other characters that I liked.



If you want harder sci-fi, I would recommend Peter F. Hamilton or Alastair Reynolds. Hamilton does multi-book epics, each book tending to be sizable. Reynolds is very versatile, as I've read stories he's written ranging from a probably 30 mile wide circle to space operas.



DeeVee, on , said:


You should start reading all the Star Wars novels because that will keep you busy for the next few years.

Eh, I already read a lot of the good books back before the prequels. I don't think I want to read about how Chewie dies or how Jacen Solo turns to the dark side and kills other characters that I liked.

But the New Jedi Order is amazing. Easily the best Star Wars novel.



I gave you my recommendations in another blog post I think. I have just got Halo:The Fall Of Reach today, and I love it. Thanks for recommending it to me and well done for getting so far along that rainbow.

Watashi Wa


I have to recommend Game of Thrones and the following sequels, mostly so I can have someone to talk to them about. :P


Ender's Game is really good and short. I've liked all the books I've read in that series.



New Jedi Order is awesome. And stops before Jacen goes crazy!


Well... Mostly...


But Traitor was my favorite book of the series for that reason!


And I've ooooonly read I thiiink 87 of the Star Wars novels... If it weren't for still having a few dozen left I'd be reading all of the Halo books myself.


Still, it means you have a lot to choose from. :P

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