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As of this morning, I finished the third draft of my upcoming epic, Dawn of the New Century. I think it's really good, but I am going to go ahead and write a fourth draft because, while third draft is good, I came up with some ideas that I didn't put into the third draft and I really don't feel like tossing them after the fact. So a fourth draft it is.


When will I write this fourth draft, you ask? Why, starting next month, for NaNoWriMo, of course!


Normally, I reserve NaNoWriMo for original fiction (which doesn't explain why I wrote The Legend Reloaded and Dimension Hoppers during it, but whatevs). However, I really want to get Dawn finished as quickly as possible, so I am going to write the fourth draft of Dawn during NaNoWriMo. Not sure if that's against the rules or not, but who cares about the rules IT'S NANOWRIMO DARN IT!


Anyway, for NaNo, expect to see me update my word count daily here on this blog. I'll be bringing back the old NaNo word count content block from previous years, so expect to see that tomorrow.


As for TLI, it's still coming out December 1st, don't worry. Unlike TLR and TLE, I am currently editing TLI. As it is my last (planned) comedy, I want it to be as good as I can possibly make it without betraying the heart of the Legend Trilogy. It'll still be as crazy and awesome as the last two, but the plot will be slightly more coherent, more like my usual style of writing. So there's that to look forward to.


Memories, a short story involving Toa Chimoy (a character from the Shika Trilogy), will probably not come out until the end of the year, if that. I haven't gotten around to editing it yet and probably won't until NaNo is over. Not going to say much, but it is a romance story, although not the kind of romance story you might be thinking of.


Also, happy Halloween! I'll probably just be chilling at home eating candy, maybe watch a movie or something. No trick-or-treating for this 18-year-old, especially since I don't have a costume to wear.


That's all for now, so see ya,




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