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I dont think Im happy with my life.



I think its fair to say that Im happy. The only thing I have been thinking more and more recently though is that I dont think Im happy with my life. I feel like Im going in completely the wrong direction to the things I want to do or the person I want to be.


I have so many dreams that I woudnt even think telling anybody about which is pathetic. Can I have some advice off some BZPers? Im feeling kind of down.


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♫ when you're down and low

lower than the floor

and you think that you don't got a chance


bum da dum ♫


♪don't make a move

til you're in the groove!

and do the peter panda dance!!♪♪

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There are days when we don't know whether what we're doing is the right thing, whether it will get us anywhere, whether it will pay off in the future...


But you know, I think it can sometimes be bad to worry about life too much. The past has happened, and the future's not yet there. :)


Don't feel down about it. It happens to everyone. And hey, I'm sure you will find your way. :3

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Thanks Taka Nuvia.

That helps a lot. There are some dreams that will most likely never happen, but there is no reason why I cant try and work for them

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I think I kinda know what you mean as I have a tendency to go through phases like that every now and again. Eventually I've gotten used to them and can either ignore them or use them as a framework to improve at least something in my life.


I'm not sure I can really offer much in the way of advice but I find that it helps to look realistically at whatever's bothering you and see if there's a way you can go about solving it, even if only in some minor way. Also you could listen to Tim Minchin's Some People Have It Worse Than I. Slightly controversial but heck if it isn't both cheerful and catchy.


Anyway, I hope it helps in at least some way. It probably wasn't what you expected but at least it's something. :P

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We all run into these ups and downs, where life seems to be going wrong. During these phases, it's important to not leave those dreams or ideas you have alone. Try working them into writing or drawing, letting your thoughts flow, and seeing what you can do with them.

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I live my life by the belief that somehow, things will work out for me. They always seem to, and so I continue having faith in that. Even so, there are many days where I feel like my luck's run out, like there's no way what I feel should happen is possible. How can I possibly become a successful musician when so many have failed? But I just look at the history of my fairly short life thus far, and see how everything has worked out for the most part. I don't know how, but what needs to happen in my life usually finds a way of managing itself.


I guess my advice is to just trust in yourself and your circumstances, and have some faith that what's happening is leading you to where you want to go, even if you can't see the path clearly. It's all I've ever done, and it has yet to fail me.

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@ Haecceity


Thats probably some of the best advice I have ever heard for this. Thanks man!


@ 55555


Thanks. That really means a lot.


@ Xinlo


I often think like this. Thank you.


@ Nukaya


So I am told repeatedly about things like this, and I dont doubt it. That doesnt mean the feeling is less real.

I do appreciate that when you are my age its hard to do things. Its probably the part of your life where you start to be really independent, howeer you are chained to the ground because of your age. If you are in your 20s, there is little to stop you from say, travelling the world for example.


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Well there are some things to be happy about, if I'm right you have just one year scool to go and the exams are almost over. Try to look always at the positive side of things do not say "still one week of exams to go," say " Oh yeeey just one week" and it'll make you're life better

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LOL you heard that from that movie didn't you?

♫ when you're down and low

lower than the floor

and you think that you don't got a chance


bum da dum ♫


♪don't make a move

til you're in the groove!

and do the peter panda dance!!♪♪

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