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What I Got



Mostly cheap dishes. See, I went and got some moderate quality stuff a couple of years ago when I was living in the dorms, but I didn't need to use it when I moved home. As such, my sister took all of it, and she isn't giving it back. Which is fine, and I said that I would just go to the store and buy some cheap stuff when I move to Dallas. This way, I can choose my own styles and I won't have to transport it. But nope, instead my sister went and bought a bunch of cheap stuff on her own, claiming this is what I asked for. Meh.


I also got socks. Yay socks.


And I got a smart phone. Which has a touch screen. There weren't any smart phones with keyboards. It turns out that everybody loves touch screens and nobody wants physical keyboards anymore! Except me. Also, it did have a protective cover over the touch screen, but I stupidly removed and ruined it, so I need to get another one. >.< Oh, it's a Droid HTC. Apparently has really good battery life, compared to most smart phones. I actually did get a say in selecting this, so it wasn't a huge "surprise." I chose a Droid because I am never gonna touch an iPhone and the Windows phones seemed just a little lacking. (Battery life, Google maps, ext.) The web browser on it is much nicer than my old phone, but it will take some getting used to.


Also a camera. Which is the same as the one my parents own that I borrow to take Lego picts. But my mom got it for like 50% off at Costco, so now I can take one to Dallas with me. I suppose I could've used my phone's camera, which is still really good but took really bad close up Lego pictures, so I prefer the other one.


Didn't recieve a single Lego set or otherwise related product. (Last year, my mom got me a silly large minifig light thing and tried to say it counted as Lego even tho it had no buildable elements on it.) Oh well, I do expect to buy a bunch of 2013 stuff, as soon as it's availible and I have an income. ;)


And yeah, that's it. Cheap dishes, camera, and a phone. Quantity is limited this year, but quality rocks! Hope you guys all had a wonderful holiday. Don't celebrate Christmas? Well, too bad, still hope you had a good day. :P




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... I'd post a whole topic post's worth of explanations as to why you're wrong about WP and battery life, but I'll let it slide. Something about being mauled by a few BS01 staff and one BZP reporter (you) if I did.


Shame you didn't get any LEGO, but it coulda been worse I suppose.

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I considered getting the original Droid when I was in the market for my first smartphone. But that was back when only AT&T had the iPhone and only Verizon had the Droid, and Verizon didn't give us any incentives to switch to them. So I got the iPhone, and to be honest I've never looked back.

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