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On Sci-Fi Nerds/Geeks/Enthusiasts





It really surprises me how few of them/us like Star Trek. I mean, it's the show that, while not quite pioneering the genre, really opened up the possibilities. It even planted the seeds for a lot of the technology we actually use today, like sliding doors, cellphones and even the bridge schematics for navy vessels.


Yet when I talk to other science fiction fans, and go through the list "Do you like Doctor Who? How about Star Wars? Firefly? Stargate?" They're pretty much all a resounding "yeah!". And then you ask about Star Trek and everyone's like "eh... It's okay but kinda' boring." or worse.


Why is that? It's got everything the other shows have (cool ships, deep plots, likeable characters) except for a ton of explosions, but then you watch DS9 or Voyager and the entirety of the last 3 seasons are explosions.


I just don't get what makes people so wary of such a classic and genre-defining show.





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To tell the truth, I've never actually watched any amount of Star Trek, so I can't say it's good or bad.

I have no interest in starting though, so, case in point I guess.



Takuma Nuva

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Hm...I actually rather interest in checking out Star Trek at some point.


I think my only issues with trying to do that as whole is well, free time and the fact that show isn't exactly regularly airing on TV anymore. I guess I could always ask my uncle if I could borrow a season of that show since I know he is a fan of that series (Among other things like Doctor Who, Star Wars, ect.). *shrugs*


- JMJ 2013

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(... I actually like Star Trek ._.)


IMO a show doesn't need mostly explosions to be good, on the contrary - too much of them makes it a bit annoying for me. :/

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I normally don't post in the blogs, but I can't resist. XD


Personally, I like Star Trek for the episodes that make you think after you see them, wondering if the tough choice the characters made was the right one. You don't find many of those in Doctor Who or Star Wars.


On the other hand, that means less action, which Doctor Who and Star Wars have plenty of. And, at the end of the day, I guess people like action over well-written episodes that leave you thinking.

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