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Building Progress for BF13



I've had the chance to start building (after a long lag period) so I can hustle and bring some new stuff to BrickFair. So far I've dabbled in Steampunk (I am the coordinator after all) and fiddled around with Brickbadge possibilities.



I wanted to stray away from the stereotypical brown and slapping on gears, but I think the result is more post-apoc than giving two baddie Victorian ladies a buzz-saw tank. And as my brother pointed out I really should put a boiler on the back (with steam) to show off functionality. So I think this will be revamped with the top half in brown and a formidable engine on the back. But overall I'm happy with how this turned out for merely being an idea using treads and having two cockpits for figs I made last month. The buzz-saw is staying.



And I might as well give you a tease of what I'm thinking of putting on my brickbadge. I've attended five conventions! Wow! I consider that a milestone, being able to have five convention bricks on your badge. BrickFair '13 marks #6 (and #8 if you include the two I visited), and I feel it's time to stray from the traditional straight up and down, 1x8 brick format. We'll see what I actually do once I put on a graphic tee and find this thing covering half my shirt.

This year's theme is birds, though I might find room for a fig or two. Also, blurry: You didn't think I'd reveal the entire thing now, did you?


Anyway, back to building! I've got a hot-air balloon to construct with Naboo!


-CF :kakama:


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This year's Brickfair makes... 10? Something like that, anyway. And I've got one more this year too!


See you soon Ben!

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Does the saw blade spin when the tank rolls? Because that'd be AWESOME.

The thought crossed my mind, but I'm not nearly that experienced yet...



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