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I finally got around to digging for the pieces to build one of Marvel's favorite couples (until they weren't).


I present, the Avengers ANT-MAN and WASP!


I could do Wasp as black/yellow/black, but the brighter colors make her stand out more. My friend has suggested a clip and some head-dress feathers as wings. I'll have to look for a vendor selling some at BrickFair.

These will go great with my other LEGO Avengers, both official sets and custom (but purist) minifigs.


-CF :kakama:


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I am not sure if my phone isn't loading the image, or if the joke is that Ant Man and Wasp are so tiny you can't see the photo of them.



I am not sure if my phone isn't loading the image, or if the joke is that Ant Man and Wasp are so tiny you can't see the photo of them.

I didn't host the picture in the entry to prolong the effect. Click the link to go to the image. I assure you, these are definitely being added to my collection of Avengers minifigs.



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