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Of Travels and ABS Iron Mans



Man, this week.


So, tomorrow at around 11:15 PM PDT I fly out towards Cincinnati, where I then wait for 3 hours at 6 AM local time (EDT) to 9 AM to catch a flight to Detroit. From there, I get to meet awesome people and attend a wedding the next day. Wootness to that.


Meantime, since last Tuesday I was working on a megafig version of a wonderful character to build in Lego, that being Iron Man. The chest was a combination of the Mk III Arc Reactor core, plus the Mk VI styling and a hint of Mk. VII detailing. The legs were based on Mk. III. The head was the run-of-the-mill one Lego releases with every Iron Man set so far, excepting War Machine; In other words, Iron Man.







Head needs work, I want to redo the legs (they were done back in April, so I'm not ashamed of that) and the chest should get more black lines. I -love- the use of Xpods for the thruster exhaust on the feet.


And yes, there's plenty of dark red material in it. I ain't even mad.


So there ya go, Iron Man. One of 5 superheroes ready to be displayed (and will be displayed at great lengths).


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