This blog is really dated
Most of the content blocks are full of broken links. bleh. And I never reposted the MOCs that got deleted in the dataclysm, so a lot of those links have been dead for a really long time.
< But I just added a shiny new content block. As you can see, I'm not competitively viable. Any Ghost would wall me completely. Might have to do with how spiritually inept I am.
SOMEDAY I WILL GO TO BRICKFAIR (honestly though hotel costs am i right)
(even going to BrickFiesta which is not a great distance away would be crazy expensive)
I've been playing Mass Effect 1 again lately. I think it's my sixth time. Trying to get the last achievement, the one where you reach level 60. Going full renegade, killing absolutely everyone I can because I want to see the worst possible ending in ME3 with all of my friends dead (except Liara because she's invincible).
I've equipped my level 56 Soldier with a Spectre sniper rifle level X with Explosive Rounds X. It's like having a hitscan rocket launcher with a short cooldown. It oneshots all mooks. It is glorious. *boom*
(this is Bunda beeteedubs)
i bred a larvitar with perfect hp and defense
i named her cleatus
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