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Regarding Bioni-Lords

Pahrak Model ZX


I know this doesn’t affect many of you, but I’m gonna ramble a bit anyway, so please forgive me.


A quick check of the topic will reveal that Bioni-Lords Book 3: Kako has not been updated in months now. I can also confirm that, in that time, I have done little to no writing for the story, and I feel like I should address this. As I’ve mentioned in a previous entry, I got to thinking more about Bioni-Lords and how I was handling, well…everything…and I became extremely frustrated with it. Frustration led to a lack of motivation, which was only worsened by a tighter schedule between school and work and a complete lack of motivation to do anything at all. I kept trying, kept failing, kept getting more frustrated as I thought about it, and, to be honest, I’m just not convinced Bioni-Lords is worth it. The most logical thing to do is put an end to it.


That being said…I’m sentimental.


My next thought was to declare an “indefinite hiatus”, which is basically the same thing. I typed up a farewell entry and began working on another entry detailing all the plans I had for the rest of Book 3, but as I did so…well, I got invested. I couldn’t quite bring myself to end Bioni-Lords, but I need to seriously improve it if it’s going to stay.


As I mentioned in the blog entry where I first went on about my frustrations, one of my worst ideas was to give tragic ends to several characters for completely stupid reasons. I do not want this to happen. I wondered if maybe working in some weird extra twist would be better, but it made things more confusing, and there were still massive underlying issues. So to karz with it. I already have The Retcon established, so I’ll just expand that to include a reason for why these characters aren’t present in Books 1 and 2. That should make it at least less confusing. Fixing these issues is more important than sticking with a canon I decided on when I was an uninformed preteen, you know?


Of course, I still want it to be sad, so there will still be some death. Don’t let your guard down yet, mwa-ha-ha…


Although the eventual Book 4 is still looking like a mess but that’s something I can address later okay moving on.


I will get back to writing Bioni-Lords. I still have motivation/time concerns, but I’m going to deal with those best I can and get you the next chapter as soon as I can. (That being said, I don’t feel confident with giving a release date, ahaha…)


Time to get to work…


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Thanks for the update. I can definitely understand the frustration of this project, especially since your work is only getting noticed by a couple diehard fans at the moment. I hope that you can get back into it again, but only if you find personal enjoyment in it.
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Thanks for letting us know, dude.


Yeah, I feel your pain; I haven't updated, nor really written anything for the next chapter on Origins. I've been trying to, but at the same time been trying to flesh out a few characters that were only really there to fill a role.


As Keizah said, hoping you get back into it as long as you enjoy it.


I know there's a few who already do.

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Well good to hear from you on Bioni-lords, indeed it has been quite a while since we last got an update on it. Still it's good to see that you're going to be continuing it and I'm looking forward to the next chapter as usual (even if I don't post any more nowadays).

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