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Garreg Mach

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Bionifight Ultimate: Game Types



Here to introduce the new "Game Types" to you all, which combine the game types and round modifiers of old, are a couple familiars and one based on another extremely popular BZPower game series!


Free For All – Exactly what it sounds like; this game type pits every player in an enormous fight to the death with no official alliances. The player with the most health remaining at the end of the round wins; in the case of a tie, the number of players KO’d will determine the victor.


Team Battle – The players are divided into two different teams of equal size, with the aim of killing all players on the opposing team. At the end of the round, an MVP will be named from the surviving members of the winning team.


Bionicle Mafia – In this round, one player is chosen as the “Mafia”, and can kill one other player each day instantly via pm. The rest of the players must find and kill the player designated as the “Mafia” before the round is over.


Boss Battle - ???


Recommended Comments

It sounds like people now have health? Hmm. Dunno how I feel about that.



As for Bionicle Mafia, that sounds awesome. Reminds me a lot of TTT.





Due to timezones, I may not be able to post immediately in the topic so if there's a 'waiting' list for the signups, please put me on.

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Now the question iiiiiis

What the heck is Bionifight seriously

But sure I'll sign up if there's an opening or something right

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