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Garreg Mach

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This is gonna be tough to pull off - attempting to decide BZPower's favorite video game character and BZPower's favorite movies on the same blog.


I'll make do.


With the announcement of the nominees for the 86th Academy Awards, I figured, why not? We'll make some of our own!


(If you'd like to help the Voltex Association with designing a trophy, please do so).


This is going to be voted on entirely by you guys (and me because I am one of you) - so here's the deal. First, we need nominations for the nominations! Which means that, for each category, you can submit one option - and don't worry about multi-nominations; if Tom Hanks is selected for his role in Captain Phillips and Saving Mr. Banks, that is totally okay. If someone has already nominated your choice, just note that you are repeating the suggestion.


Now we move onto the categories that you can vote for.



Best Film (for simplicity's sake, consider foreign language films acceptable here, as well as documentaries)

Best Animated Film

Best Short Film (animated or live-action)

Best Actor

Best Actress

Best Supporting Actor

Best Supporting Actress

Best Director

Best Soundtrack/Score

Best Original Song

Best Writing (adapted or original)




Also, before you get mad at anybody who votes... remember that the chances of everyone seeing every film are 0.


I suppose I'll vote eventually. My choices are probably going to be picked fairly quickly regardless.


Recommended Comments

Best film: Repeating Catching Fire

Best animated film:-- (Have I even seen any this year?)

Best short film:--

Best actor: --

Best actress:--

Best supporting actor:--

Best supporting actress:--

Best soundtrack/Score:--

Best original song:--

Best writing:--


I'm sure I'll have more later. Maybe. I haven't watched much this year...

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...There's a Legend of Korra movie? I would have thought I'd have heard of that, even if I've not watched the show. I really do live under a rock, I guess.



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^ There is no Legend of Korra movie. So no, you don't live under a rock. Unless you actually do, in which case I can't help you.


Anyway, I can count on less than one hand the number of great films I've seen this year, so from my incredibly limited perspective:


Best Film: 12 Years a Slave

Supporting Actress: Lupita Nyong'o (12 Years a Slave)

Best Song: "Let It Go" (Frozen)

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Best Film: Catching Fire

Best Animated Film: Frozen

Best Short Film: The Blue Umbrella (Pixar)

Best Actor: Benedict Cumberbatch (Star Trek: Into Darkness)

Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence (Catching Fire)

Best Supporting Actor--------

Best Supporting Actress---------

Best Director---------

Best Soundtrack/Score---------

Best Original Song: repeating V1P2 with "Let It Go" (Frozen)

Best Writing--------


I have a very limited selection of movies this year as well, unfortunately. Thus I have no opinion on a few categories.

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Oh, so Only Movie based stuff is eligible? My mistake... See. This is what happens when you don't pay attention to anything that's happening in the world people.

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Throwing down my votes here, having missed Gravity, American Hustle, Saving Mr. Banks, and Captain Phillips just to name a few.


Best Film The Wolf of Wall Street
Best Animated Film Frozen >> repeat
Best Short Film Get a Horse!
Best Actor Leonardo DiCaprio (The Wolf of Wall Street)
Best Actress E: Since one choice was already voted, I'm going with Kristin Bell (Frozen)
Best Supporting Actor Benedict Cumberbatch (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug)
Best Supporting Actress Emma Watson (This is the End)
Best Director Martin Scorsese (The Wolf of Wall Street)

Best Soundtrack/Score Frozen
Best Original Song "Let it Go" (Frozen) >> repeat
Best Writing The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

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You know, I'm pretty sure I've only seen one movie this year that actually came out this year (Sad, amirite?), and that's Catching Fire. But I wub Jennifer Lawrence, so I'd probably put her and Catching Fire down for everything anyway. :3


Best film: Repeating Catching Fire

Best actor: Josh Hutcherson

Best actress: Repeating Jennifer Lawrence (Catching Fire)

Best supporting actor:-- Philip Seymour Hoffman

Best supporting actress:-- Jena Malone

Best soundtrack/Score:-- Catching Fire

Best writing:-- Catching Fire


...Yeah. ._.


*Cue everyone trying to figure out who the heck Philip Seymour Hoffman is*



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Best Film - Frozen
Best Animated Film - Frozen
Best Short Film - Get a Horse!
Best Actor - Martin Freeman (Hobbit 2)
Best Actress - Kristen Bell (Frozen, Repeat)
Best Supporting Actor - Richard Armitage (Hobbit 2)
Best Supporting Actress - Idina Menzel (Frozen, and sang Let it go. Durr)
Best Director - Peter Jackson
Best Soundtrack/Score - Frozen OST (Christophe Beck, Repeat)
Best Original Song - Let it Go (Penned by Robert Lopez and Kristen-Anderson Lopez, Repeat)
Best Writing ------

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JL I appreciate your taste in Best Actress nominations and also your taste in Frozen as a whole


Best Actor: Mark Wahlburg for Elysium


Do you mean Matt Damon? Mark Wahlberg wasn't in that movie

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*Just stares at this and then proceeds to walk away*

This is actually a neat idea though i am so disconnected from the world i am not nearly prepared enough to answer any of these questions.

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This makes me realize how few movies I've seen this year...


Best Film: Star Trek Into Darkness

Best Animated Film: Frozen

Best Short Film: N/A

Best Actor: Benedict Cumberbatch (Star Trek Into Darkness)

Best Actress: Amy Acker (Much Ado About Nothing)

Best Supporting Actor: Nathan Fillion (Much Ado About Nothing)

Best Supporting Actress: Natalie Portman (Thor: The Dark World)

Best Director: Steven Spielberg (Jurassic Park 3D)

Best Soundtrack/Score: Howard Shore (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug)

Best Original Song: Let It Go (Frozen)

Best Writing (adapted or original): Ender's Game

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Best Film Pacific Rim
Best Actor Idris Elba, Pacific Rim
Best Actress Rinko Kikuchi, Pacific Rim
Best Director Guillermo Del Toro, Pacific Rim
Best Soundtrack/Score Pacific Rim
Best Original Song Gravity, Gravity
Best Writing Pacific Rim

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Aftering seeing American Hustle, modifying my nominations:


Best Film American Hustle
Best Animated Film Frozen >> repeat
Best Short Film Get a Horse!
Best Actor Leonardo DiCaprio (The Wolf of Wall Street)
Best Actress Kristin Bell (Frozen)
Best Supporting Actor Benedict Cumberbatch (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug)
Best Supporting Actress Jennifer Lawrence (American Hustle)
Best Director Martin Scorsese (The Wolf of Wall Street)

Best Soundtrack/Score Frozen
Best Original Song "Let it Go" (Frozen) >> repeat
Best Writing American Hustle

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I refrained from the more obscure categories such as FX for the sake of simplicity; in all honesty, I probably should have left music at "best soundtrack" as well. =P

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