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In His Element



I was inspired to go out into the snow today and take a picture of an Ice Toa in his natural environment:




I built this guy about six years ago (as well as the rest of his team) and even wrote a short story around him (I was originally going to write an epic, and I built the Toa team central to it). Short story shorter: During an epic battle to save his land, after his other five Toa teammates have fallen, he releases a nova blast of ice, stopping the threat but being encased in a cocoon of ice. Now, millennia later, he has thawed (Captain America-style), only to have icy protrusions become a part of his armor, affirming his icy nature.

The team of six I built is not his original team that perished, but a new team he has become a part of. More details to follow when I finally take decent pictures of all six.


Is Koji a good name for a Toa? I seem to think so.

-CF :kakama:


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I can't think of Koji without thinking of Digimon... but it's still a good name. :P


I like the MOC, but I think the shield could be improved if you stuck with the transparent piece and got rid of the radar dish- or at least used another color (for the small dish) like white. It just looks clashy to me. Speaking of that transparent piece... what is it? A Pod lid?

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I can't think of Koji without thinking of Digimon... but it's still a good name. :P


I like the MOC, but I think the shield could be improved if you stuck with the transparent piece and got rid of the radar dish- or at least used another color like white. It just looks clashy to me. Speaking of that transparent piece... what is it? A Pod lid?

The transparent piece looks to be a 10x10 radar dish. It doesn't have a lot of other options as far as color is concerned: the old style only comes in Transparent, Reddish Brown, and Medium Stone Grey (Light Bley). The new style with solid studs is even more limited, only coming in Medium Stone Grey and Dark Stone Grey.


I think the MOC is decent, and I don't see much point in critiquing a MOC from six years ago.

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The clear dish is a 10x10 inverted dish from the Hailfire Droid. (While we're talking about styles it comes in, let's not forget the two awesome dishes that come in Grievous's Cycle Chase.)


I'll see what the white shield piece looks like, but I think it's important to highlight the grey bits too.


Thanks for sparing me some criticism, though this is probably the best Toa MOCs you'll see from me for a while until I start building Bionicle a lot more regularly. (I took my System to college and pretty much have become fluent in starfighters, but lost some Bionicle groove.) I'm always interested in a bit of "this is good" and "this is bad," etc.



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