Okay, so the first Pokémon game I ever had was Pokémon Silver. I still have the cartridge. The battery in it is all but dead, so I can’t play it, but I still have it.
I’ve seen a bunch of images of people talking about how they got such-and-such Pokémon from their old games into X or Y, which I assume has to do with Pokébank.
So: Is there any way I could use this to get my old party out of there before it dies completely and put them into my copy of Y?
For reference, in addition to a 3DS and Y, I also have:
Pokémon Ruby
Pokémon Fire Red
Pokémon Soul Silver
Pokémon Pearl
Pokémon White
A working Gameboy Advance
A working Gamecube and Gameboy Player
Two working DS Lites
So pretty much any combination of hardware or software between Pokémon Silver's release and now is workable, aside from maybe a GBA link cable, though those are only $10 on eBay, so that's not out of the question.
I am really curious about this, because it would make me so happy to pull out my original Pokémon party from the impending doom of a dying GBC game, especially the Typhlosion that, as a Cyndaquil, was my first-ever Pokémon. I'm pretty sure a way exists with GBA games, but I don't know about GBC games. Anyone?
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