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I guess I'm back here



It's been a while since we've seen each other. How are you holding up?


Are the kids alright? I still miss the littlest one. What did you decide on for the name--Jimmy?


No? Oh, right, Timmy.




Kind of funny bumping into you here. You look great, by the way.


Anyway, I should really be going. But we should get lunch some time--catch up. You should still have my number.


Yeah, well, uh, see you around--I mean, maybe--if we do. Good-bye.






In all seriousness, though, now, I guess I'm back for a bit. What's with this new reputation thing on the posts? Is it like le epic Reddit upboats, and does it indicate who "reputationed" the post? Any other new features I should know about.


(And I am very sorry for the above awkward-encounter-w/-estranged-person-dialogue-thing, which dialogue-thing didn't really stick to a solitary theme or storyboard and was generally kind of lamely executed. But it felt oddly fitting and humorous, and I find myself funny when I do stupid junk like that.)


- BioGio


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Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Whoa.  Okay, bro, some things...


One:  I have no kids.  I do not want kids.  You are creepy.


Two:  My name is not either of those things.  You have the wrong person.


Three:  I so do not have, or want, your number.  I will not call you maybe. 


I'm just gonna walk over in that direction for a while.  Yeah, that seems like a good place to be because it isn't here.  Personal space, dude.



Pssst, dude, first rule of improv:  always say "yes, and..."

Gosh, with a move like that, you've made your character completely useless for the rest of this bit.  I hope you're happy with yourself.

  • Upvote 2
Alex Humva


It's basically Reddit upvotes with no option to downvote, and it's anonymous.


Also since you've returned, insert obligatory advertisement for the OTC, we need peeps down there for stories and RPGs. Mostly RPGs. =P

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Always saying "yes" is boring.  =/




You don't even know


(Seriously, though, there haven't been too many new features since then.  It's basically a "like" button that allows people to anonymously approve of things without actually posting.  It works nicely for things that get viewed a lot, but have no comments.  I like it)



Hey man, good to have you back with us. :D




Ballom!  I missed you, man; nice to see you again.  I'll be sure to check out and review whatever epic you're currently working on.


Always saying "yes" is boring.  =/




You don't even know


(Seriously, though, there haven't been too many new features since then.  It's basically a "like" button that allows people to anonymously approve of things without actually posting.  It works nicely for things that get viewed a lot, but have no comments.  I like it)


Fine, be that way.  All enjoying your own actions and the features of this site.  You, you... enjoyer.


It's basically Reddit upvotes with no option to downvote, and it's anonymous.


Also since you've returned, insert obligatory advertisement for the OTC, we need peeps down there for stories and RPGs. Mostly RPGs. =P


Huh, I don't remember there having been two Off-Topic forums (probably just bad memory though).  I'll try to venture down.

Ballom Nom Nom



Hey man, good to have you back with us. :D




Ballom!  I missed you, man; nice to see you again.  I'll be sure to check out and review whatever epic you're currently working on.


Ostensibly I'm still working on The Lone and Level Sands, but the reality is that I've not posted on it since 2012 because college has left me with little time to write. I'm trying to get back into writing more and finishing it up this summer though, but it's tough because I have summer work. Regardless, I think there's still around a dozen chapters that are new since you were last active.


I'm also reposting the Terra Nui trilogy in the library, so there's that too.



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