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Rubber Shoes In Motion

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


I think I rolled my ankle at some point this morning. Or it might have been when I landed as I jumped backwards down three steps after a meeting upstairs. Either way, I don't feel like I can put any weight on my left ankle unless it (my leg) is absolutely vertical.


The meeting, by the way, was about my troubles at work: the prime firm now knows how far behind I am, and how it's impossible to catch up. And, how it's not my fault. While the EPA will have to wait on my computer to do its thing, I do feel better about the situation. In some sense, I'm off the hook.

Or at least, the barb isn't biting in as deep now.


Meanwhile, Traku & Turakii should have instantly recognized the title of this blog entry. I had a lot of Tesla Trooper soundbites to choose from, but my apparent ankle injury made this most appropriate.


Why a Tesla Trooper?

Because tonight, I check my connections. :P


The power supply unit arrived today. :)



BEHOLD, the PC Power & Cooling Silencer 750 Quad: gallery

750 Watts at 40 °C, peaking at 825W.

SLI certified if I ever decide to build and SLI bridge down the road.

Enough power to last me until 2015, at the rate I go through computers.

[Tim Taylor voice]Harh harh harrh[/Tim Taylor voice]


Believe you me, I thought about the full kilowatt. I did, but then I figured I didn't want to trip the breaker every 20 minutes. :P




Next purchase within 2 weeks. Why so soon? Well, you'll find out then. That is, if you care about my computer. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't at this rate. :wakeup2:




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:lol: I don't know any other person who would go to such extent to get a mega-computer.


BUT - I spy some music reference. Who's Tesla Trooper? An indie band that does techy songs?


And, it's good to hear that now you've got room to breathe, but that ankle problem sounds like a sprain. (Why did you jump backwards down the stairs?)



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Daydreamer, a Tesla Trooper is a unit in Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2, a strategy game. But you're right, that would make an excellent band name.


Why did you just backwards down the stairs, KIE? I mean, it sounds like a lot of fun, but your ankle may not have got as much enjoyment out of it as you.


It's only going to last eight years? What do you do to your computers? :lol:




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8 years is actually a long time for a computer to be usable, not just relevant.

One of the guys I'm checking off these parts with (Thanks, Fishy, er, Gawin!) tells me that the functioning life of a hard disk (Your C: drive) is about 2 years.

Fishy's also the guy that responded to B6's recommendation of "Get a Mac." with 3 minutes of uncontrollable laughter.


Right now, my computer's only use would be in a classroom setting, or as a part of a Beowulf cluster. (A Beowulf cluster is a bunch of outdated computers, hooked up by Linux to operate as a single computer.)


Daydreamer, if you've ever played Warcraft or Starcraft, realtime strategy games, you might like Red Alert 2. It doesn't require a beast of a computer to run (The game was published in 2000.), but it may be a little difficult to find.

I'd link you to some support forums for it, but then I'd be linking to forums and that wouldn't go over too well, what with me being staff & all.


That'd be cool, to get to play RA2 with Turakii & <dd> at the same time. :)




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If I could find the time between academic and non-academic duties, I'd gladly go to a free RPG and make a name somewhere in the society. That'd be awesome, though, KIE.


You didn't tell us why you jumped backwards, though.

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I was having a conversation with Rob, and was in front coming down the stairs: in order for me to face him, I need to be going down backwards.

I looked down and noticed 3 steps remaining, and decided to hop down. :lookaround:



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